4- Start of something new

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The next day, while it was still bright and early, Kiri dragged Aha'ri from her tent to Neytiri. Lurei laid there, still fast asleep as they left.

Aha'ri is still trying to wake up and become fully conscious when Kiri rolled her out of her hammock. She didn't even say good morning as she grabbed her arm and began to drag her through the camp.

Neytiri eyed them with suspicion as they neared. Aha'ri was about the same height as Neytiri, if only a little shorter. But Kiri was still small, still a good couple years before she's fully grown.

Neytiri stood by weapons containers and large plastic boxes that Aha'ri could only imagine what was inside. Jake crouched nearby, tending to his large gun.

The dim sunlight just barely penetrating the cave, making the fires scattered through camp do most of the work.

Aha'ri met Neytiri's eyes and gave an embarrassed smile.

Kiri had no hesitation getting straight to the point. "Mom, would you want to help Aha'ri learn how to hunt?"

Aha'ri cheeks blushed indigo as Neytiri's eyes dragged along her body. Inspecting her. Seeing if she was worth it.

Her eyes felt like hot stones, searing her skin as they glided past.

Aha'ri tried to keep her smile as best as she could under Neytiri's stare.

"How much do you know?" Neytiri asked, in a surprisingly gentle tone. Her body relaxed, allowing Aha'ri to finally let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding.

"Uh not-not much," Aha'ri stuttered with a chuckle. She cleared her throat and went on, "I'm not even sure I hold the bow right."

It was embarrassing but she had to start somewhere. For some reason Neytiri had a way of making Aha'ri feel like she was safe now, that she wouldn't be judged.

Neytiri smiled softly, "I can teach you." It was almost condescending but Aha'ri didn't care—she had a teacher. Someone who would actually show her how to hunt and be Na'vi.

Aha'ri couldn't help but smile like an idiot. "Thank you," she breathed.

Kiri nudged her in the ribcage. "See? That wasn't so hard."

Aha'ri nervously chuckled but secretly wished she could shove Kiri away. She only bumped her with her hip while still smiling at Neytiri. It was subtle enough that no one notice but strong enough to make Kiri stumble a step to the side.

Naturally, Jake overheard the whole conversation. He set down his gun and walked over, patting Neytiri on the back. "She's the best teacher you're going to get. She taught me everything I know."

He looked at her with such admiration it was heart melting. The way his eyes took in her beauty, the way he smiled down at her, the way he wrapped an arm around her waist. All of it made Aha'ri wish she had someone like that. She wanted someone to look at her the way Jake looks at Neytiri.

Neytiri turned back to Aha'ri, the soft smile barely visible in her now serious features. "We start now."

Aha'ri blinked. "Now? Like-like right now?" She was caught so off guard she stuttered again.

"Grab your bow and meet me by the ikrans," Neytiri said monotonously.

Aha'ri glanced at Jake, who still had his arm wrapped around her waist. His features were equally as neutral, like they were both waiting to see what she did.

Her heart dropped slightly at the sight of them. She was not prepared, physically or mentally.

Aha'ri looked to Kiri with her mouth agape. She wasn't sure if Neytiri was actually serious. Kiri nodded, smiling wider than she should've.

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