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2nd POV

You were taking a walk to school, you woke up early and saw your brother was still asleep, so you decided to not wake up him brother. It's not like he'd actually listen to you and wake up as soon as you told him to. Reaching the school lockers, you change your shoes and go to class like all the other students there.

Since you were early, you had to sit in the class for a few minutes. Nobody in your class was really your friend, I mean, you do have friends but their just....younger and older than you....and mostly hung out with your brother. 'Hm....i wonder if koto woke up in time...?' You felt like you should've maybe put an alarm or something but your brother was annoying you more than anything, you being just a bit petty decided to make him late. Soon the teacher came in and you all started the lesson. After the clock hit 12pm , you all went to lunch. You didn't really like talking to people so you grabbed your lunch and headed outside finding a tree to shade you from the Sun and hide you from view with the bushes.

You looked in front of you admiring the scene, there was a pond and beautiful flowers with it as well the threes surrounding it made it seem like it came out of a fairy tale. After a few minutes, you finished your lunch and walked back to class. Then soon enough, school ended. You stayed behind and cleaned the classroom a bit, you were enjoying the silent classroom there were just a few people still here helping but you paid no mind to them. Shortly after,  everything was disturbed by a loud bang and you looked at the door only to see your brother staring at you with an annoyed expression.

He grabbed you by the shoulder and glared at you "Why didn't you wake me up (m/n)..!?" he raised his voice at you while you kept a straight face looking at him. "I didn't..? Oh.... Your fault for not putting a alarm..." you said putting the blame on your brother knowing damn well it was a bit of your fault too, just a bit."My fault..?! Come on we're going home now!" he had a offended look on his face, usually he doesn't act out like this..."sorry." you said before you left the class, someone had to apologize to them for your brothers behaviour right? "You know I can walk without you dragging me you know?" you said jogging a bit to keep up. "Shut up." he said "were you even late? And you know I have a after-school club today..." you said, watching him freeze up and let go of your arm. "Today you do the dishes.." your brother said still looking at you with an angry face, you knew he wasn't actually angry at you since your his 'Dear younger brother'..."I already wash them though...?" you said "shut up! Just go to your club now" mokoto started to push you "ok I will..." "be back early! Mom has something to tell us!" he yelled before leaving

You walked outside, you were in the gardening club. You liked plants and thought they looked pretty and smelled good. "Hm..? Am I early? How come no one is here...." you said standing in the middle of the garden. 'Guess I can work on my flowers then...' you walked to a small area with a few flowers and bushes. While working on the plants, you heard a noise behind you, turning to the noise you saw nothing there, seeing this you were confused. '...maybe I should move.. ' you stood up waking over to wherever your legs take you to. You ended up by the pond you saw earlier. As you sat near the pond and after a few minutes you hear something again. Turning around to where you heard the sound, you saw nothing again. Feeling uneasy from all this, you stand up looking around the area to see if anything was suspicious. Then, you hear a footstep of someone behind you, trying looking back to see the culprit, they put their hands on your back and pushed you into the pond. But before you fell in, you could see a boy standing there with a old school uniform, he just watched you fall in the pond.


"How unfortunate..."
"Poor thing, just what pushed you in here?..."

A... Boys voice?..

'...water?...can't breath...help..@

"I'll save you, but saving you comes with a price unfortunately"
'please..i don't want to die...not yet.. '


You open your eyes a bit while in the water and saw a boy...?He held into you, making a sort of bubble wrap around your head as he pulls you up with him to the top. As soon as you both reach the surface of the water, you start coughing trying to grain all the air you lost back. The boy, still holding you, looked at you with worry "hey..? Can you breath now?" you look up and see his face... A bit to close to yours....

"what...?" he looked at you before smiling widely "I saved you! Uh-... But because of that now you have to pay me back!...um..with your labor! Become my assistant!" he said, softly pushing you in the water to the near ground.  "become your assistant..?" you ask confused,your voice sounding raspy from the salt water in your throat. "Yep! You'll help me and become No.0 a for a bit when I want a break!" he said a bit too ecstatic for a situation where you almost died...

"no.0..? what...??"

That was only a year ago, you've been Fuji's assistant since then, helping him with a few things and sometimes taking his place as mystery for a while.

- When Fuji gets bored, he sinks to the bottom of the lake and sits there while watching the fishes swim. That's also the reason he was able to save (m/n) so fast.

- Fuji genuinely can't help someone without there being a price, it goes along with his rumor.


Edited on 6/2/24

This was the first chapter I hoped you liked it ^^!!!

Words: 1057

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