Chapter 5

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Chapter Five:
Drama Queen
~Lucy's Apartment~
Gray's POV

Soon as I reached Lucy's apartment, I barged in there and saw her talking to Loke about telling her landlord, she won't be back in a while. As Loke left, me and Lucy spoke

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" She asked, clearly feeling awkward "Are you going to say that I am a disgrace?" She asked quietly, quiet enough for only me to hear, even when no one was here other than us

"Lucy... I... I think of you as family. You are like a sister to me, and you know that," I explained "Then why? Why didn't you stop Erza and Natsu?" She asked, her voice cracking

Laxus' POV

It's been five hours since we reached our first destination, Gray dropped off Blondie to the train station, seems like they are in good terms.

I told Blondie to do some work outs, running, push ups and such but she's been complaining, no wonder she good kicked out, she whines too much, "Alright, blondie you can have a break but only for five minutes" I said, giving up from all her annoying whines of complains "Finally!" She said, stretching and grabbing herself a bottle of water.

Lucy's POV

'Finally he gave up! Sheesh what an ass!' I told myself. I sat down on the ground far from Laxus to meditate while Laxus was just there sitting, listening to his music. I have approximately three and a half minutes left, before going back to doing sit ups, laps, press ups //basically push ups\\ and all those...

~Fairy Tail Guild~
Master Makarov's POV

I was having a tough decision on how to punish Natsu, Gray and Erza, whether I should banned them from doing missions for about a month or so, or if I should house/guild arrest them, not allowing them to do any sort of magic outside the guild...

Sighing, I left my office and stood by the railing of the seconfd floor and called for everyone's attention, "I have made my decision!" I announced, everyone stopped what they were doing and looks at me

"Team Natsu, your punishment for being horrible teammate and for making family leave is banning you from mission for three months, and you are also only allowed to use your magic within the premises of our guild, no where else. You may only be able to use your magic once you're three month ban has been done." I sternly said, Natsu looked at me in utter shock and was about to speak until he was cut off by Gray

"Master, I have done nothing wrong to Lucy, nor was I part of this..." Gray reasoned out, he shuddered in fear as Erza glared daggers at him "Hmmm, very well, I shall speak to you later then." I said

"Well then, this punishment will only be valid with Erza and Natsu then. I'm presume Wendy, Happy and Charle have nothing to do with this too?" Natsu and Erza frowned and manage to just nod

"Natsu, me and Wendy are quitting your horrible team. I wouldn't want Wendy to be influenced by your actions" Charle spoke with disgust, while Wendy tries to talk to Charle not to talk like that

"Happy, you ain't quitting on your best friend are ya?" Natsu asked, he had a look on hid face that held hope "Sorry Natsu..." Happy replied, and flew to Wendy and Charles

"It's decided then..."

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