Jealousy (Fluff)

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Requested by Linzwwe

Y/N and Rhea go to Italy (Y/N's home country) so Rhea can meet the Y/L/Ns. Y/N's boy best friend, Alessandro, is there, and Rhea gets jealous.

The translation for the Italian parts will be at the bottom.

    I'd been with Rhea Ripley for nine months, and I felt she needed to meet my parents. I'd met hers, it was only fair.
     As we got off the plane and entered the airport, I saw my parents and my younger sister, Beatrix. I waved and they waved back.
None of my family members spoke English, but Rhea had said her nonna was Italian, so I hoped she'd have some understanding of what they said.
As we walked over, my parents asked Rhea all the questions in the world.
'Sei la ragazza di mia figlia, vero? Piacere,' my mum said, and Rhea nodded. Then my dad cut in and said, 'Sei australiano? Grande. Presto diventeremo una famiglia internazionale, vero?'
     Rhea laughed.
     My dad turned to me and said, 'Alessandro mi sei mancato, mi ha chiesto di chiederti se dopo vuoi prendere un caffè con lui.'
     'Ok, ci vediamo alle 22:00,' I replied. (Pretend you can get coffee at 10pm)
     My dad smiled. 'Gli dirò di venirti a prendere.'
     My mum looked over at us. 'Allora andiamo?'
     We all nodded, and she led us to the car.
     My parents sat in the front, and me, Rhea and Beatrix went in the back. Beatrix was rather wary of Rhea for some reason, so I was squished in the middle.

~Time Skip~
This Time Skip Is Brought To You By Callie From Splatoon

I heard a knock at the door. It was Alessandro. I grabbed my bag and rushed down the stairs to meet him. I hadn't seen him in a year, and I'd really missed him. I hugged him tight, and I spotted Rhea at the top of the stairs. I waved at her before Alessandro and I left.

~Another Time Skip~
This Time Skip Is Brought To You By The Rounders Bat I Almost Hit My PE Teacher With

It was pitch black when I returned, and I said goodbye to Alessandro quietly, so I didn't wake Beatrix, who I knew would be sleeping.
I silently walked up the stairs and entered the room I was sharing with Rhea.
She was sat up in bed when I entered, in nothing but a bra. Her arms were folded across her chest; she was irritated by something.
'You're mine. You know that,' she said.
It took me a moment to realise what she meant. 'Rhea, I'm not going to cheat on you with Alessandro. He's just my friend.'
'Y/N. Think for a moment. What do I have that he doesn't?' she asked, sadly.
Her words made my heart ache. I replied, 'You're strong; you give nice kisses; you have the most adorable face shape in the world, like oh my god; you can cook, which is good, food is important; and so much more.'
Rhea smiled up at me. 'Come here.'
I gently lay on her chest, and her arms wrapped around me. 'I love you.'
'I love you too.'

Italian -> English

Sei la ragazza di mia figlia, vero? Piacere.
You're my daughter's girlfriend, right? Nice to meet you.

Sei australiano? Grande. Presto diventeremo una famiglia internazionale, vero.
Are you Australian? Great. We're going to be an international family soon, right?

Alessandro sei mancato, mi ha chiesto di chiederti se dopo vuoi prendere un caffè con lui.
Alessandro missed you, he asked me to ask you if you want to have a coffee with him afterwards.

Ok, ci vediamo alle 22:00.
Okay, I'll meet him at 10pm.

Gli dirò di venirti a prendere.
I'll tell him to come get you.

Allora andiamo?
Shall we go?

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