3: 2 weirdos and a cactus island?

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How has life been? Is it treating you well? I sure hope so!

if you didn't know already, (y/n) is 18 in this story so that none of it is 'illegal'

I wonder if those weirdos are alive or not I haven't seen them come up to the surface yet. Whatever, I'm sure they are fine. "It's calmed down, the whale is quiet now!" Nami said. I didn't even realise that the whale had calmed down, gosh. "Seems like it, now.. We did save you guys for the time being, but who are you?" Zoro says turning around. "When did they get on the ship, I didn't even notice that they came out the water..?" I ask, I seriously didn't notice them, must've been too lost in my thoughts. "Gosh (y/n), you need to be more observant" nami said to me, it seems like a scolding to me. Once nami had finished telling me off we all turned around to the voice of an old man. "You thugs are still here?" He says to I'm assuming the people sitting on the deck. "Don't make me say this again!" He continued. "I won't let you lay a finger on laboon as long as I'm alive!" I wonder who this old guy is. "He's back." Ussop said looking at the man. "Who's the old guy?" Luffy asked ussop. While he was saying this, the 2 weirdos started laughing like pretend maniacs. "Even if you say so, we can't leave" the girl with the blue hair said. "Taking down this whale is our mission, we won't let you interfere with our whale hunting this time! We'll open an air vent in his stomach! Let's go, baby!" The guy with orange hair said. "What was the point of saying let's go baby..?" I say almost laughing.

The cannonballs went flying towards the fake sky, but before it could hit, the old man blocked the cannonballs with himself. Everyone was shocked. "That pops jumped straight into the bullets..!" Ussop yelled out, I thought it was pretty obvious but maybe not. "Could it be.. That he protected the whale?!" Sanji said. The blue haired girl started laughing again, her laugh sounds so annoying. "Can you please shut up. You're deafening me with that horrendous laugh." I ask looking at her. She glanced at me, didn't say anything, and had just gave me a disgusted look like she was telling me to f off. "Stop this pointless resistance!" Bluey said facing eveyone. "If you want to protect the whale that badly go right ahead. We'll turn it into food for our Town!" The orange head said. Then they both started laughing like idiots.

Luffy must have had about enough of them since he jumped up a punched their heads together. I will admit I did laugh a bit. "Luffy..? What was that for?" Ussop asked. "I just.. Felt like hitting them." Luffy responded with an angry face. "Good job luffy they deserved that." I say to him giving him a thumbs up with a smile. He just nodded while nami and ussop sweat dropped.

Some time later the old man got back to his island thing and started to talk to luffy. "I thank you for saving me.. But why?" The old man asks luffy. Luffy, being the honest person he is, replied with what I was expecting him to say. "I wasn't trying to save you. I just didn't like them for some reason." He says while climbing the tree. "Huh?" Was all the man said. "Say who are these guys? And what're you doing inside this whale?" Nami asked the old man. "They're thugs from a nearby town, they're after whale meat. If they capture laboon, it can feed the townspeople for at least 2-3 years." He answered. "Laboon?" Nami asked. I was starting to loose interest but I'm just gonna guess that laboon is the whales name.

I was just zoning out and ended up taking a well needed nap. That nap didn't last very long though since I got woken up. "Oi, oi (y/n) wake uppp" I heard a familiar voice whining. "Why, can't a girl get her rest." I complain to myself. "Cmon (y/n) we're leaving" a different familiar voice said, I'm hardly awake right now but I know the voices. "Okay, okay I'm coming!" I yell out while getting up and into the ship. There wasn't much talking for a while till someone spoke up. "This is an amazing canal, I'm surprised that he's still alive having a hole like this inside his body." Zoro said out to no one in particular. "I suppose you're responsible for this?" Sanji asks the old man, I still haven't caught his name yet. "A doctors playful mind." He answered. "Doctor?" Usopp questioned. "I may not look like one but I'm a doctor. I also ran a clinic on the cape a long time ago. It was for a few years but I was also a ships doctor." He responded. "Really? Then be our ships doctor! " Luffy questioned. no, more like he was trying to force the old man to join. "Don't be ridiculous. I no longer have the energy to do reckless things like you guys do." The old man declined. I had a feeling he would refuse.

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