The bad news

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My name is leah. Im a 20 year old girl who goes to collage in LA. I only have 6 months until i graduate. I dont have much friends in school other than sammy. Shes been my best mate for years. Im into gothic clothing and makeup and i love music. I dont have a favourite music type or band but i prefer heavy metal or rock music. I know almost any band in the world. I also like reading and writing. Most kids in school are younger than me. Im older because i chose to stay in school for longer. I enjoy going to school because there is pretty much nothing else to do at home. But at the same time, not much people like me in school because of how I look. I wear dark makeup, black clothes and im usually quite. The only time im myself is when im around sammy.

the last day of school came until i had a two week break from school. I woke up in the morning upset because i hate having to stay home for holiday breaks. I eventually got dressed and ready for school. My house is a fair bit from my school so i get public transport since my parents wont drive me. It takes me about half an hour to get to school.

I walked through the gates of my large school, looking for sammy. I ended up texting her and finding out where she is.

Sammy where tf are you?

I slept in. Ill be at school by lunch.

I was glad sammy was coming to school because i would have been really lonely. I hate when she doesnt come to school because i dont have any other friends. My first class was math. Ugh math. Math is my worst subject. I walked to my locker to get my math books when i over heard a group of girls talking about miss mason leaving the school. miss mason was my favourite English teacher. She helped me with all my english work and even gave me good grades if i studied hard enough. Obviously it cant be true. She hasnt even told anyone that shes leaving. Stupid rumours. I thought to myself as I started to head to my math room. I was the last person to arrive which caught everyone's attention. I heard people whispering and laughing but i chose to ignore. My math class finished when lunch break finally started. I waited for Sammy in the library where we normally hang out.

"Sammy over here!!" I called out as i saw her walking through the library doors. She sat down beside me and we started talking. "Have you heard anything about miss mason leaving the school?" I asked Sammy. "No, i haven't. Why is that?" Sammy said. "I heard a few girls at the lockers talking about it". "Dont worry about it. Its not true unless you heard if from her mouth" Sammy told me. "I have her next period. Ill ask her then". We sat around and waited for lunch break to end.

I went to my lockers to get my English equipment. I saw that group of girls again. I just ignored them and went straight to class. I wanted to be first into english because i like spending more time with my teacher. I walked into my classroom to see a substitute teacher (random teacher) standing in the classroom. He introduced hinself to me and i did the same. His name was Dave. "Do you know where miss mason is?" I asked dave. "Before i tell you, you should read this letter she left you" dave said while passing me the note. I got anxious to what the note was about but i opened it anyways

Dearest leah,
I really enjoyed spending time with you in class. Youve been a great student to me and i couldnt ask for anything more. I have unfortunate news. I will be retiring from teaching and there will be a new teacher for your english classes. His name in brian warner. The class has been told to call him Mr warner. Ive told brian that youre a great student and to make sure he gives you the same affection i give you. Im sorry if ive upset you but hopefully you will enjoy this new teacher.

Best of luck, miss mason x

By the time i finished reading the letter, my eyes already felt swollen. My favourite teacher was gone and theres no other teachers i enjoy talking to other than her. My other classmates walked into the classroom so i had to act fine. I chose to sit at the back of the classroom. The whole english class, i wondered
if this brian guy was a decent teacher. It made me feel anxious. School finished at 3:00 and i went straight to sammy to tell her the news. She was upset and we both walked each other home.

Later that night i kept thinking about brian and how good he could be but i missed miss mason a lot.

New teacher (Marilyn Manson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz