Disclaimers & Rules

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1 - Each wedgie for each day is designed so that all genders can play, though there are a few that might be skewed a bit more towards the guys.  

2 - Challenge wedgies are not designed with the idea of people having the resources to do them such as excess amount of undies, private life/space, and so on, however feel free to try them.

3 - Each day is designed to get progressively harder for better or for worse, while the challenges are randomly easy or difficult to do.

4 - As a typical, simple reminder that safety is first and I made this list with the intent of everything being doable solo, or if you got a close friend in a private space.  Wedgies that involve an outdoor object, the idea is you have a backyard with a tall fence line or many many tall trees obscuring the view, while having a tree to which you can complete said wedgie from.  Ideally, all of these types of wedgies are done at the dead of night when everyone is asleep for safety reasons.

5 - Regarding Chair wedgie related rolls, it is recommended to take intermittent breaks throughout if it feels like a part of you is going numb.  If this turns out to be the case, simply take a 5 minute break before resuming it.  Some may experience this more often than others due to physical health differences.  Again as I always say, safety first!


1 - Roll one dice or several, to pick out what wedgies you are to do each day for an entire week!  If you cannot do one of the wedgies to the fullest, then do the best you can or reroll for that day, you get 1 reroll freebie each day, unless you are willing to do the challenge mode.

2 - If you're feeling brave, do the challenges for every day of the week in addition to your daily wedgies you have rolled for! (Note: If you land on a messy wedgie which lists ingredients, it typically refers to either a fist full of solid ingredients, or a tablespoon full of semi/liquid ingredients.)

3 - Follow the themes, and any daily wedgies (not challenges) failed, then perform the failure wedgie or task of that day).

4 - If you have managed to stay on track for the entire week, mind sharing it in the comments of what you did, and if it had challenges or not.  Also just overall feedback of the experiences!

5 - Difficulty, Easy, Normal, Hard

5.1. - Easy is recommended for ages under 18 player, simply put, do half the rep/duration of any of the wedgies you get

5.2. - Normal as the name suggest, do each daily wedgies you get as what they say, and any question of how a wedgie work, you can look at my wedgie list that I have published

5.3. - Hard, this only for those who are up to it as it will involves completing the challenges, see if you are brave and hardy enough to survive this dice dare in all its glory


1 - So some of the wedgie dares have some additional information in them, if a dare is "wedgie + wedgie", then it is two separate wedgie, in two pair of undies, the first wedgie being the inner pair and second and so on will expand outward of the layers.

1.1 - Other wedgie dares that involve a description such as floor, or bound, etc is just the location or additional action, not a separate wedgie, such as "Floor Atomic wedgie + bound leg", this just mean laying down the floor and doing the atomic wedgie while having something that bind your legs together for the duration, though not so hard that you cannot get out in a emergency.

1.1.1. Legends:

[+] means two separate wedgie at once so would also mean 2 pair or more of undies

[Into] means doing one wedgie then proceeding to the next wedgie base on duration/rep

2 - This dice dare game contains quite a lot of fairly difficult wedgies, such as the atomic which the younger players might not be able to do properly, or their undies will simply end up ripping before such a point, so simply put, do your best and don't try to wuss out.  If you're playing, it means you are doing it cause you want to, so do your best and don't just halfass it.

3 - [Clarification Example] Normal wedgie (1 minutes of yanking, Duration: 15 minutes) | Normal wedgie [Type of wedgie], 1 minute of yanking [Amount of time to do the initial wedgie and method], Duration: 15 minutes [Amount of time to keep the wedgie in] (Note: You can readjust or keep it as is post 15 minutes if the wedgie become slack, I purposely didn't mention this part, but I'd imagine most playing will be doing so, unless it otherwise instructs as such. (Note 1: You can readjust or keep it as is post 15 minutes if the wedgie become slack, I purposely didn't mention this part, but I'd imagine most playing will be doing so, unless it otherwise instructs as such.) (Note 2: The yank/pull duration intention was added to be consistent with something like a squeaky clean wedgie repetition.  If you find it too easy, comment below and I will go and readjust some of them.)

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