Chapter 1

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Okay let me explain how I came up with this story....
On my insta feed I saw a random video about Ateez's medical checkup and searched on Youtube for the entire video since I was curious what kind of medical checkup they do for Kpop idols. And I was really surprised that they even perform a colonoscopy! In my country, we usually examine someone's stool first, and if blood is seen in the faeces, they will do further tests like a colonoscopy. But in Asia (I think, or otherwise just South-Korea), they seem to skip that and immediately do a colonoscopy? Maybe because the prevalence colon cancer is higher in Asia?
I have assisted with a few colonoscopies in real life, and I think they're quite invasive examinations. They put the patients under anesthesia for a reason and that's because it can really hurt. But in the video of Ateez's health checkup they make it seem like it's nothing.
Anyways.... I got a bit inspired..... Silly me and my weird brain, but I just love medical/sick/hurt fanfictions so let's just make another one! A weird one :P
Please note that I might have exaggerated some things because it's a fanfiction. Not all colonoscopies are like this!


"Ah we need to wake the maknaes. It's already past 9" Seokjin said with his mouth half full after shoving another spoon of cereals and milk in his mouth. The hyung line was quietly eating their breakfast since they didn't want to disturb the sleeping youngsters upstairs who could sleep a little longer. Today was their medical checkup planned, but this time Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook needed to have a colonoscopy as well. The 95-liners should have had theirs 2 years ago, but due to covid and their concert tour last year it was postponed twice in a row, but this time it was for real. Much to the soulmates despair however...

Bighit, just like any other entertainment companies, wanted to make sure that their idols were healthy so they planned annual checkups and they were completely throughout with it. It wasn't just a simple visit of the doctor, but also blood works, X-rays, ECG, lungtests... It almost felt like the members were being used to check the equipment every year like they were guinea pigs or something like that, but deep down they knew it was for a good cause. So usually they went without a peep or a fuss, but there was one examination that they all disliked very much.

The hyung line had already experienced a colonoscopy a few years earlier since they were older, and sadly they couldn't keep a straight face when Bighit had announced that the maknaes were now old enough that they needed to be checked as well. When Taehyung had asked the older members how their experience had been, he got some gruesome stories in return because none of them were good at lying. So that's why this day was a dreaded day for them.

Last night, the three youngest had already drank 2 liters of special liquid to make sure that their intestines were empty and they weren't allowed to eat anything afterwards, so that's why they were still sleeping in their beds right now. It wasn't fair to sit at the same table when the others could eat breakfast and they couldn't.

"Yeah let's wake them. They might want to take a shower before we leave" Hoseok said and placed his empty bowl in the sink. The rest of the hyung line did the same and followed the dancer upstairs, as everyone went to another bedroom.

"Jiminie wake up" Hoseok whispered. The rapper smiled softly when the sleepy boy started to stir and he couldn't stop himself from petting his fluffy bed hair.

"Hyung? What time is it??

"It's past 9. You need to wake up"

"Hmmm okay" Jimin mumbled, but he made no attempt to actually get out of the bed. Hoseok smiled again, since it was always the same story with the boy. He wouldn't complain about being woken up, but he also didn't want to obey right away. He always needed some extra motivation and he had learned over the years that cuddles did the trick. So the rapper climbed into bed and wrapped his legs around the smaller figure underneath the blankets before he gently started to push the boy out of bed. He then stirred him into the bedroom so he was sure that Jimin stayed out of bed instead of diving back in the warmth of his blankets the second he let go.

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