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Reign does not understand what is going on. Reign knows she is dreaming. She has to be, but everything feels natural. She runs her fingertips down the stone wall, feeling her figure tips burn, uneasy sitting beside her.

Reign went to bed with an oversize pink shirt and black silk shorts. Now she is here. She turns a corner to a darker hallway; the walls are dark oak wood, along with the floors. One thing that stands out for Reign is that there are no windows, but the light is coming through somewhere.

Heat all she feels; it burns at the touch. She was strolling down the hallway and not wanting to stand still too long because of the burn.

Reign regrets doing that meditation before going to sleep. How could she be so stupid? But then, how could this be real? Death she knows that is coming. All it should have done was to calm her down and let her sleep, not send her to this hell of a place. She knows now she should have just stuck to her vape.

It was just a dream; that was all she needed to remember. It's a dream. Nothing can hurt her. She does not believe that one bit.

"This is what I wanted, remember," Reign whispered. Well, not this; who knows, meditation could be this powerful.

"Who are you?" a deep voice comes behind her.

Reign jumps, spinning around and facing a circle of flame closing and a man. No, not a man, a creature, a gorgeous creature, hulking. Reign took a step back, taking in the animal before her. Is long jet-black hair is tied up. He is built like a rock with two hones from his head—an against carved into his chest, completely naked.

Reign is slammed to the wall by an invisible force.

"Hell is closed; who are you?" he hisses in her face grabbing her chin with his thumb and index. That is when Reign notices his nails are claws, long, digging into her skin.

"Let me go," with a shaking voice. The next thing Reign knows, she is in a ball size room. This room was a lot hotter; she could hear screaming and begging to come from all around her. But see no one in trouble.

Massive oak wooden thrones, Were dotting all around the room.

The room was not empty; you have hundreds of people in here, not people demons! Some were average-looking, tiny, ugly, beautiful animals. She is in hell demons all around her. Reign finally figured it out; she had to be in hell

"Knee," Baphomet hissed in her ear. Reign is still staring dumbfounded at the thing sitting on a throne before her. Reign could tell he was ancient just looking at him, staring right back at her with his yellow eyes, wearing a black suit. He is covered in tattoos, and his skin is like a pitch-black dragon scale.

Reign shook her head, not understanding what was going on.

"I better be dreaming, this is fuck up."

Baphomet growls, "Get on your fucking knees." Placing his large hand on her shoulder, digging his crawls into her shoulder. Reign's grasp was lousy as her knees buckled to the floor. Reign keeps her head forward, not looking at all the creatures around the room.

"Reign, I'm now leaving. You sure you don't want to come?" The voice echoes around the room. They could hear a door opening. "Be good, Luna."

Follow with a bark, "Shhh Luna you will wake her up." Followed by a door closing, and then the echo stop. The room becomes silent. Her best friend and dog are in her house, so where is she?

The demonic beings understand the human is sleeping, and she has no idea what is happening. So she is not one of their slaves. How did she get here? Hell is closed for the night.

"No," she cried, shoving herself backwards from him closer to the other standing beside her. "Time out, time out, for a second. Who the hell are you?"

Baphomet took a step forwards.

"Back the fuck up," Reign snapped, getting to her feet. He replies with a snap of his fangs.

"Go easy, she clueless." She spins around, facing the voice, and meets with another large man with a whole carved of a dromedary camel over his chest. Other than being naked, this one is normal; then her eyes catch on two of the two creatures behind him, with two heads each and tails.

"Hello love," he smiled, walking towards her. The two demons follow him, which makes Reign take a step back. King Paimon noticed, waving his hand and taking another action forward.

"What did you do get here?" He asks, taking another step forwards. Baphomet crosses his large arms staring at him.

"Nothing," she whispered.

King Paimon raised an eyebrow at her rubbish before grabbing the back of her neck. "I'm pretty sure, he told you to get on your knees human." Pushing her down.

"What, wait." Grabbing his wrist, trying to stop him. "I went to sleep," she cried out, almost crying now.

She was fully back on her knees, kneeling in front of him. "Most of your kind sleep for seven hours; do you know what I can do to you then? Time work slower in hell,' he smiled wickedly at her.

Impossible, time can't work like that, can it? Reign starts looking around in panic. Nothing has a chance; if anything, there are more demons here now to see the human.

"Meditation and sleep, that all I did," she sobbed. "Please I want to go home."

He is stepping back and looking at Satan on his throne.

"I want her to strip," Satan commanded, his voice filling the room,

"No, please."

Satan looks at King Paimon and Baphomet, giving them an order. Baphomet is on her in a flash, grabbing a fist full of her hair and dragging her up. Reign screamed, begging him to let go and ripping her shirt.

"Wait, just wait for a fucking second please," she begs them. King Paimon walked in front of her running his hand down her face.

"Calm, he just does not know how to be gentle. But then you don't know how to listen."

"I did not even be given a chance to strip." She cried. As her shirt was removed, leaving her completely naked and letting them see the names burned into her skin along her spine.

King Paimon, and

Baphomet took one sept to the right and threw her face first on the floor. She landed on something soft.

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