Subject 019- Chapter One: Feelings.

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"019, what do you see?" Papa spoke softly. He gently taps the table in front, knocking your fragile hands slightly.
"A- a man... alone... darkness," you manage to pronounce, stuttering through each syllable. Papa starts to tap faster as if he's getting impatient.  "What is he doing, 019?"
You don't reply. Papa sits the opposite, expecting some sort of answer, but you don't have the words to explain. The dark, tall figure coming towards the man that you were looking for a second ago. A hand like structure approaches your vision, and you pull the blindfold off, as if you're going to cry.

"Take 019 back to their room. We will try again tomorrow. Prepare the electroshocks, okay doctor?"
The doctor nods and walks you out. He doesn't glance at you once, nor does he speak. He unlocks your door, and you are forced to stay locked up until you are once again allowed in the rainbow room.

Children are chanting all around the lab. You see 008, alone in the corner of the rainbow room, and head over to her. You gently touch her knee, and she turns to you, gesturing that she is trying to focus on the block. You understand her immediately. You get up and move to the wooden dolls.

You pick up the wooden dolls and try to envision a scenario. You try to envision yourself and your Papa in a faraway place and pretend that it is you and him when he shows interest that he wants to get to know you. You think to yourself,'Papa wouldn't allow me to do that,' but ignore the thought and continue with your game.

"019, Doctor Owens would like to see you," a doctor said, stretching a hand out to you, ready to lead you down the hallway. You feel the other subjects eyes burning into your skull and feel embarrassed, but take the doctors hand and leave the Rainbow Room.

"Doctor Owens wants to know if you would like to play a game," said the doctor. A game? Like the ones you create? You've never played a game with anyone before and are confused about what he means.
"Doctor Owens wants you to play the 'what am I thinking' game."
You again ignore his words and look to each door you pass. You see a little blue flicker in some rooms accompanied by a high-pitched groan of pain, by those you know... or at least... know their faces. Your jaw tightens at each room you pass.

Doctor Owens rushed to the door frantically and opened it for you. He offers you a stool and asks you to sit down. You see the door creak open,  know you haven't met Doctor Owens yet, 019, but we want you to get used to him as he is a major part of our corporation, okay?"

You nod once, and you can just about understand. You hear the clock ticking on the wall and the computer clicking while the machines beep behind you. It is getting to your senses. You are losing focus.

"019. Do you know what 'feelings' are?" Doctor Owens asked, disturbing the silence.
You shake your head. You are aware of feelings, but you don't know how to explain them. They can be all over the place at times.
"Feelings are -" Doctor Owens began.
"Feelings are emotional manipulative techniques that allow you to change your view or someone else's view on someone (including yourself) or something in the world." Papa intruded on the question.

Doctor Owens looked at the floor while he said this. Papa gave him a stern look as he got out of his chair and raised my chin to look at him.
"Listen to Doctor Owens, and I'll be back soon to check the results." He let go.

"Okay- 019, can we have you say something for the tape to prove you're here now?"

"Present." You state. You are nervous. You heard the word 'present' from Papa talking to one of his workers... employees, so you decided to repeat it here, and it sounded like it was used right, especially given the context.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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