Day one

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Roses are red
So is the Blood of Christ
Which is ready to wash me
Every time I fall
Not for different sins
But for that one sin
That sin that is bent on separating me from him
Tho I go back to sin
My spirit screams for God
And he'll never be tired..
Yes never tired of taking me back
Me, this prodigal child
The stubborn sheep ..
The one who leaves the flock
The one who makes the shepherd sober..
Yess..Just for this little sheep
Yess... Just for me
Just for you
I know they are times you feel alone
Like even God doesn't see you
Or has time for you ..
But then it only means...
You need to seek him
You need to make him know you want him
And that you can't do this
-Yh this righteous life without him
Without his Holy Spirit

Keep seeking his face

God bless you
You should know you were made after the image of God
You are perfect , a priceless jewel 💎, one of a kind, and royalty since your children of the Almighty King
Yesss duhh gurl/ bruhh your Dad is the KING of kings
God loves you darling

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