day one

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YN POV: I woke up early, at 5:30 AM to be exact. I got dressed and did my usual routine then I grabbed the gifts for my new patients. My old patients were at the old psych ward, I'm at a new facility with the......Yakuza. I grabbed all the things that had the labels and headed out the door. It took me about 15 minutes to arrive at work and enter. "Hello Y/N! Glad to see you, you must be the new doctor correct?" I nodded. "Yes that's me. The regression therapist." She smiled."thank God your here! All of the patients you have are currently hopeless. Your therapy room is the last on at the end of their hall." She said and handed me a clipboard. I smiled and walked to the hallway before looking at the sheet. It had my schedule on it. I went to my room and saw that it was decorated as requested. Meant to make regression easier for the little ones in training I thought as I put my bag on the desk. The room had bumpers on the corners of everything to keep the littles safe while they play on the floor. I sill had a table with two chairs in one corner of the room but other than that the room was built for babies. Fluffy carpet, drawers on my desk were filled with things like Pacifiers, baby bottles, pacifier clips and stuff like stickers for my little angels. I smiled to myself and looked at the sheet to see who I had first.

Kai Chisaki

Kai Chisaki - he is very reactive and aggressive especially when Hari Kurono is mentioned.He is in his early 20's and has been friends with Hari Kurono for around 15 years it's believed. He is a massive germaphobe and doesn't talk much. If he gets aggressive go grab security.

Okay, not my usual crowd but I can deal. I went to Kai's room and knocked, I waited 30 seconds before I came inside. "Good morning Mr.Kai, I'm your new doctor, Y/N. It's nice to meet you and I'd like to talk to you in my office. "[Kai still has his arms] "Get the hell out. " My silly self forgets that he isn't currently little I say. "Little one that is no way to talk to me." He gives me a confused and disgusted look before rolling his eyes. "Kai, I need you to follow me please. I need you to follow me into my office so I can start my session with you. " He sighed irritatedly and followed me to my office. I opened the door and we both went inside. "Why is it so colorful and childish? It's giving me a headache." I giggled and walked him to the table, we both took a seat. "So, Kai I need to talk to you about why this room looks the way it does. Do you have any ideas?" He looked around and crossed his arms and his legs. "I don't, maybe you have child patients? You like color? It's a new code or rule you must follow?" I shake my head no. "Nope, all of this is for my patients. It's for you all to exist and be in a carefree state while I speak with you. I even have a little present for you." I say leaving him at the table confused and angry. I walked over and grabbed the 3 bins and a sharpie.  I come back and set them Infront of him. "Bottle, pacifier and clip. Pick one of each please." He looks like he wants to kill me right now. "Kai if you do not choose I will. I suggest you pick one of each okay?" I tell him and he looks at the bottles. He picks up a bottle with black and green paw prints on it the rest of it was a dark purple. "This one." He says and sets it down, I pick it up and in sharpie write his name on the bottom of the cup. He looks through the pacifier bin and settles on a reverse pacifier. It had purple paw prints and a black handle with the rest being green. I smile and hand him a matching clip. "Can I see those please Kai?" He nodded and gave them to me. I attached the clip and wrote his name on the back of it. I then managed to clip it to his shirt. "You don't have to suck on it but I'd like to have you keep the clip on." I say and pull out a clip board. I know little ages don't have to be baby ages however it's the safest option. He nodded and we started talking."So Kai, what would you like to talk about?" "Why I have to have baby stuff with me." I smile and nod it's a fair question. "Well, it's called age regression. (After explaining, I'm lazy)" "....Oh. that seems weird. " I sigh. "Everyone says that but they love it. It's to calm you down." I say and go to my bookbag and grab Kai's gift. It's a picture book I got approved by the boss to give to Kai. "I was told you like reading. I got you a book but it has pictures and sensory images to touch and feel." I handed him the book that he reluctantly accepted. My alarm beeped and I walked him back to his room. I checked my clipboard. 

Hari Kurono
Hari Kurono is a 20 year old male with anxiety. He has committed mass murder along side his boss. Any mention of his boss with trigger him, possibly bad or good best not to choose. He prefers things to touch and has been known to become aggressive randomly no loud noises are except able and he is hard to get to talk.

Well not as bad. I can do this.  I hope.

I walk to his room and open the door. Inside I see a man with blue arrow shaped hair sitting on his bed scratching his arm. I walk over to him and grab his arm. "Bubs, that's an icky behavior. We need to stop that okay?" He looked at me and yanked his arm away. "Shut up! I'll do whatever I want to do to myself." He says and goes back to scratching.

Kurono POV: I did not like this random person coming in my room and telling me to stop scratching my arm. I told them off then... Felt myself be picked up and stood up on the floor. "Now mister follow me."

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