LOG 6 - Imprison

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Tori has been searching for her tracks and finally found them at the plaza. It's the only place she recently stand.

Tori: Wait, I thought she went home? Why was she still at the plaza anyway?

She follow the tracks, but it's lead along with the road instead of floating everywhere.

Tori: She...drives?

The tracks are leading her like some vehicle riding on the road. And it's kinda nonsense since Palivia doesn't really drive/ride any types of vehicle that much.

She continue follow the tracks, and turn out it's just her high school.

Tori: Wait—I already got home. Why would she go to my school anyway?

She got confused and check if she can get through the gate. With no thoughts, she immediately pass it.

The parking lot is full of trucks...with a Nox logo on it?

Tori: Wait wait wait... Since when my school hires them? Ah...no no no, they never do that...

Tori stands in the middle of the gate for too long she seems doesn't really focus. Unexpectly, a "person" is behind her as she didn't notice, and immediately unconcious her. She's now in a weird, dark place...

Inside Tori's room, Nikal felt very worry, so she decided to check on her on computer. She turn on the system that can see everything where Tori's battlesuit located, but it's very dark and have low signal.

Nikal: Wait—What's going on with her?

She tried to figure out what happen by keep checking on her screen.

Inside a dark, mysterious room, Tori got tied on the chair. She heard a mysterious, familiar voice from her ear.

???: Buttercup, wake up! Hey wake up!

Tori: ...Huh...? - She woke up with soreness eye

Palivia: It's me, Tori. Are you alright?

Tori: Au—auntie?! What are you doing here?!

Palivia: sighs Long story short... But first of all, we need to get outta here.

Tori: Right! But the "rope" is too hard to remove...

Palivia: Well I can't change my battlesuit right now... Can you try something else? I think yours would work best.

Tori: Oh... right... Hey, I can perform elemental powers!

She try to cast a fire power and it actually works, it burns the rope.

Tori: Hey!! It works!

Palivia: Amazing! C'mon, untie me already.

Tori: Okie dokie!

Tori's about to untie her aunt but suddenly hear noises from the outside of the room caming towards.

Mysterious Entity 1: Do you think that's gonna work? - Sounds like a feminine, teenager voice

Mysterious Entity 2: Don't worry, young lady, they're need to treat a little testing~ - Sounds like a masculine voice

Tori: Th—they're about to come to this place..

Palivia: Tori, hide, now!

Tori can't go invisible or camouflage, but rather hide on the celling and watches from the below to check Palivia's fine.

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