Gruggy Wuggy and the Three Babes, Part 3 - Revenge

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After their long, passionate night of smooching, Gru woke up later than usual. He sat up, droopy eyed, and looked at his love who lay beside him on the bed. Grinch, there he was, in all his green furry glory. Gru loved him dearly, and vowed to himself to protect his fuzzy wuzzy booboo bear at all costs. "Just how can I do that..." he whispered to himself. Just that moment he had an idea; a grueling, devious idea. Gru ran down the house and into his secret lab. "Nefario! Remember the device we stole to steal the moon?", "Yes Gru, but why on earth would you need that again? Don't tell me you're planning to steal the moon again.", Nefario questioned with a shutter in his voice, "I knew you weren't the brightest but why would you try that fiasco again." he said. "This is far more important than some old rock. Gather the minions!" shouted gru, angrily. A loud call ventured through the sound system and echoed through the lab. 10 by 10 the minions all gathered around. The minions brought the shrink ray by crowd surfing it towards Gru. "Perfect, I just need to make a few adjustments. NEFARIO, I need to make the effects permanent." said Gru "May I ask, Gru, what are you planning on using this modified gadget for?" asked Nefario. "I have a score to settle with an old friend." Gru said deviously. "As you wish sir." and Nefario went off to work. Three days had passed, modifying such a complex weapon wasn't an easy task, but Nefario managed. "Here you g-" but before Nefario could even finish saying that Gru had snatched the Shrink Ray and ran off. Gru had kept the Shrink Ray a secret from Grinch. Gru didn't know how he'd take it, since his heart was no longer three sizes too small. He feared that Grinch would interfere after knowing what he'd use this device on, so he kept it to himself.

Gru painstakingly made his way to Grugs cave, which was out in an arid desert. The journey took many days, and Gru started to worry about Grinch. What if Grinch thought he was dead? He didn't want to make Grinch worry, so he picked up the pace. After a week of walking he finally approached the mountain. There he could see the huge boulder blocking the path. There Gru stood, the boulder towering over him, but he wasn't phased. "Open up Grug, or I'll have to come in there myself." Shouted Gru avidly. "HAH, like you'd be able to move my grugantic boulder." Grug laughed. "You have to the count of three, Grug. I will avenge Grinch, and punish you for what you did to my baby gorl." Grug was still laughing. There wasn't a doubt in his mind that the boulder was too heavy for Gru to lift with his little twig arms. "Three.... Two.... One-" And then instantly, down the boulder fell, into a small little pebble. "WHAT THE, WHAT DARK MAGIC IS THAT, HOW DID YOU DESTROY THE BOULDER THAT HAS PROTECTED MY ANCESTORS FOR GENERATIONS?" Gru didn't bother answering Grug, for he was but a flea to his immense power. "This is for what you did to my schmoopsy poo," and he aimed his Shrink Ray at Grugs head. "WAIT-" but it was too late. He had fired, and Grug had accepted his fate of being incinerated.

Grug woke up in a daze. "What happened? Where am I?" Grug started, half awake. He looked around, the trees were huge, towering up what seemed miles. "What did that bastard do to me?!" Grug shouted in disbelief. The words echoed through the forest, even startling some birds, which flew off in the opposite direction. At that moment he heard scuttering through the bushes behind him. Terror shot through his body, he knew he was far too small to defend himself. In almost an instant he had been knocked to the ground. The sun fell across his eyes, blinding him for a brief moment. Grug looked up; he saw a tall, blue man in tight red pants. He had beautiful silver hair, and the silhouette of a bodybuilder. His skin was pale blue, and he wore a red cap. Before he could ask the man his name, the man used a stick and smacked him across his head, knocking him out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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