Part three someone is getting suspicious

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When Leo woke up he went downstairs to see Mikey making breakfast today after breakfast Leo went to set up for the therapy sessions well he was doing that Mikey was thinking of confronting Leo due to Mikey hearing him cry all night well blaming himself for the situation this isn't new he's done it before even before the krang incident Leo would blame himself for stuff that wasn't his fault and would sometimes even be every tired even thu he's been awake for hours he would wake up tired and stay tired throughout the day Michaelangelo's suspension and curiosity was growing worrying about Leo, Raph was having his therapy session before Mikey's after thinking about it hard Michaelangelo decided to let it go thu he would still keep an eye on Leo out of worry and concern when it came Mikey's turn he open up to Leo about how he was feeling like usual but when the therapy session was over Michaelangelo asked, "Leo are you okay?" Leo quickly said, "of course Michaelangelo I'm fine your big brother is perfectly fine." Leo eye then twitch based on how answered Michaelangelo question and the eye titwiching made Mickey more suspicious he knew his brother was lying Mickey notice Leo behavior unusual he notice would be in his room have the day he would try to keep everyone happy Mickey even witness Leo sleeping on the floor 3 times throughout the day Michaelangelo knew something was going on he just couldn't figure it out he was concerned he even notice some knifes were missing Michaelangelo thought " this is getting out of hand I need to find out what's going on." Later he saw Leo cleaning them before putting them back. Mickey wanted to know what was happening with Leo he needed to learn what was happening with Leonardo, so when they went to sleep tonight and Micky heard Leo crying Michaelangelo did something different that night, something he didn't do once for those nights somethings that will make Leo get nervous.

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