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Two 'Gates' formed at a nearby small lake, and opened. One Christina Barkhorn awoke from 

a 'minor' nap, and was heading to the Lounge. She heard voices and was going to stick her face

in, but fox tails of White and Black blocked her, and she was on the end of a 'double cuddle'. 

Yoshika and Hikari, coming back to base, until the Blue trimmed, White sailor shirted 

Fuso was picked up and cuddled by, a woman in a White 'Fuso' Officer's Jacket, matching

skirt, heels, and dark stockings, with long Black hair and animal ears on her head. 

Then, a Blonde Woman in a Blue outfit, heels, and dark stockings, started a 'cuddle' 

of Yoshika. 

" I see, well put things into perspective. We meant no intrusion.", said Olivier Armstrong.

" It's fine General.", said Minna. 

' With the 'craziness', I better check with Sanya.' , thought Eila. She walked into the shared

bedroom, seeing , Sanya, Maria Deitrich, and Laffy all asleep in the bed. 

Laffy sees Eila, grabs her, " Join us.", Laffy said as she pulled the Suomus in with them.

Roy Mustang was walking down the hall, seeing Takeo Blue and Takeo White in the opposite

direction. " Ladies, are you aware of the new 'regulation' of wearing 'mini skirts'?" 

Mustang ran, with the women chasing him with 'heavy guns' out. 

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