Chapter 2 Part 4

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As Lina Sky and Miku Sky, carefully, go to take a closer look at the big ball of light, they can see that it is not meteor, curiously, Lina decides to use her ki senses to see if something is alive in the the ball of light.

Focusing on the object, she could sense that someone was inside the ball of light.

"There's someone inside of it," Lina says, surprised.

"W-what do we do, Lina?" Miku says in shock.

"I-I don't know," Lina says, hesitantly, "maybe we can move it."

"Are you nuts!" Miku protests, "We don't know what kind of being is in there!"

"But I don't sense any evil in this being," Lina replies, "plus we can't leave the being here. We can at lest move it in our home."

Miku sighs, saying, "Alright, I hope you know what your getting us into."

So slowly, they go to the ball of light and prepare to lift it, but just as they both touch the ball of light on top, it then  begins to glow brightly, which makes them cover their eyes due to the brightness.

When the light fades away and the two recover their sight, they see nothing, but just a young boy.

"Is that the person that was in there?" asks Miku.

"Yeah," Lina responds, "it's a little boy, he looks human."

Just as she was saying all this, the boy's eyes open, glowing white, which startles the two, then the boy's glowing white eyes slowly return to it's normal brown colored eyes.

The boy's eyes slowly adjust as he then sees the twins and the things around him, once he turns to look at the twins again,  he says, "Oh hello, is this earth?"

The two twin sisters look each other for a moment, then looking back at the boy, Lina answers, saying, "Uh..yes, this is earth. But who are you?"

"I'm the new protector of earth, my name is King Ateam Light, the son of the King of kings." He answers.

"The son.." Lina says almost speechlessly as Miku finishes the rest of what she was going to say, "of the King of kings.."

Then, once the realization hits them, they say, "Your Majesty," as they bow down to him, but this angers the little boy as he says, "Don't bow down!"

Which startles and surprised the twins as they are confused as to why the boy wouldn't want this honor of respect to a royal, so they ask him and he says, "Because, though I am a King with the Lord, I am not the type that like to be treated as a royal, second the Most High is only one that deserves that respect and honor."

"Oh..ok," they say in understanding.

"So what are your names?" Ateam asks.

"Oh, my name is Lina Sky, pleasure to meet you" She answers.

"An my name is Miku Sky," Lina's sister responds.

Ateam was puzzled of their answer as he thought they would have same last name as their Father, so he asks them, "How come your last names are not like our Father?"

"Uh well, it's complicated to explain, "Lina answers hesitantly, "You see Ateam, in this world some of us have the same or different last names, which is why are names aren't the same.

"Then you hate our last names??" he says sadly.

" not at all." Miku says immediately with worry.

"Ya, we don't hate it," Lina says with nervous tone, "It's just how it is."

"Oh..ok," he says, still feeling like they hate it, but wanting to change the subject quickly, Miku asks, "So what will you be doing now, Ateam?"

Ateam thinks about it for moment and says, "I don't know, I guess protect this town here.

"But where will you live?" Lina asks.

"Umm.. I don't know," he says with a unsure look, "do you know, where I can live?" As he looks at them with his innocent eyes, which they fall for,

"Well we'll be glad to have you with us." Lina says with a smile.

"Really?" he says in a surprised look.

"Mhm," they nod happily.

"Ok," he decides, "then I'll be glad to live with you two," he smiles.

"Alright, then it's settled," Lina says with joy as she claps her hands together, "You'll be staying us."

"We'll take you inside our home," Miku says as she picks him up in her arms and holds him.

Ateam was unfamiliar with this kind gesture, but he gets very comfortable and very relaxed as he lays his head on Miku's chest as the 3 head to the house.

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