32. Nocturne

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(New and edited)
CHAPTER 32: Nocturne

"You know, I knew it would be like teaching a toddler how to walk, but this is is disappointing. You wouldn't lost in Nocturne." She mutters. I look at her with frustration. It wouldn't elicit the anger or the fire I needed just to defeat my own mind. I step out of the temple, holdings the sides of my head. The pain was bearable, but there. Lingering in the shadows. Fucking lurking against the back of my eyes.

I stare at the floor, "What is that?" I ask her.

"It's a walking failure." She says, I snap my eyes to hers. She's got her thin, however toned arms folded loosely against her chest, like she's staring at a student that should just give up before the pain turns me crazy.

"No, that fucking word."

"Nocturne. It's not a word, it's a school. One exclusively for those around the world to build families, legacies, memories and understanding of their lives and the Warriors that might as well be the Gods of every realm you could ever know. I teach the mindset of those who match my properties. When I'm not here waiting for the prophecy to run true about my brother. Or rather that imbecile with a right hook that's turned sloppy over the years. Elias use to teach in the realm too." She informs me, giving me information like it's too secret to pass up.

The name pricked at my skin like it had its own electrical outlet. Making me squat down as I rub my temples and inhale the air of burning wood. It was calming, a haven like none I've ever seen, "Those nanobots you gave Nicolai, got anymore?" She wonders when I don't say anything else.

"And risk you using them on me." Fat chance I'd give her that kind of information. My techno wasn't easy to reach, not only that, none of it was here. I used what I could on Martin, on Robert and Reina because they were the most problematic. Been in my way.

"Not on you, they could be beneficial for me." She had a glint in her eyes. A lover's going as she looks at the strange volcanic paintings beyond the room. When I cut the meeting loose, I stepped out, it was light outside.

I pause when a hand was about to grab mine, but I stop it and Alastair steps out of the shadows, his eyebrows furrowed, "You've been hidden in there all this time?" He questions.

I stare at him, it's nothing like the illusion of him I saw, but staring at him right now. You'd think it would be as if I was lost on him. If he was good, if he was just a fucking decent man who didn't use me like he did, who didn't belittle me the way he did. I wouldn't feel like cutting his goddamn head off right now. He stills as he stares at me, I feel it brimming in the corners of my fingers, and right when the fire burned in my eyes, he snaps his eyes down the hall, where Elias rounded the corner like a flustered, blushing bitch on a mission.

I lose the heat like it was never there, the one advantage I had on Elias Cardinal was the fat he thought all I was...was a wolf. Surrounded by larger wolves that called me the runt. That called me the sub,is I've omega of a clan, of a pack. I don't think as I punch Elias in the throat harder than I should of and it was out of the agony, the pain I knew that came with my childhood and the lack of protection he brought upon me.

He chokes in shock at the move, I stare at him, "I was just a kid, bullied for being born into the world of fur and you, you cowardly, psychotic, fucker—you reacted in no way to stop it, even though I bet your numerous years you knew you were fucking looking at your goddamn mate." My voice a burning dark knight rolling through blood just to get to the surface. Like a thousand swords and knives couldn't conquer my voice.

Athena stands there with a look of happy disbelief. Alastair tilts his head slowly as Elias whispers something with a croak and he gets his breath back. Standing slowly. I stare at him, "The reason behind why you've aged differently. Why you're younger to accomodate me, huh?" I ask him.

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