Chapter 3

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I didn't immediately open my eyes when I woke up. Instead, they stayed glued shut, as if both my mind and my body refused to accept the fact that I was awake.

When I pushed myself off a plush surface, I was still exhausted. It took a moment for the memories to catch up, and when they did I woke up a whole lot faster. My eyes snapped open and darted around the room, taking in everything I possibly could.

I was laying down on a bed of some kind, although this one was far softer than the one I was using at the other facility. There were two pillows instead of one, and they had gray sheets with small flowers on them instead of white. The blanket was larger and thicker, which made me want to lay back down and enjoy its warmth for a moment longer. I knew I couldn't do that, I had to find out what happened while I was asleep.

I took a step, and my feet were met with a strange tile. I studied the geometrical pattern for a moment before I moved on. The room was about the same size as my room back at the facility, and like the room, it didn't have much decoration. A frame with a picture of a flower that matched my sheets hung on one wall, but other than that and a small empty nightstand the room was bare.

I twisted the door handle, and to my surprise, it was unlocked. In my experience, doors that weren't meant to be opened were unlocked, and so most doors remained locked. Carefully, I pushed the door open, aware of the small sound of creaking. I paused. The doors at the facility were always fixed whenever they creaked even slightly, although this one was a lot louder than the others. What did that mean?

I pushed it open a bit more and was surprised to see someone waiting by the door. Their apparel was dark, and they had a belt around their waist and were holding something in their hands. As soon as they made eye contact with me I shut the door, my mind racing.

Who was that? I'd never seen someone in a patterned uniform like that, and in my experience anyone without wings was hostile. That man definitely did not have any wings, but at least he was not decked in white.

It left my heart racing, all of the unanswered questions. I looked down at my hands and saw that they were shaking lightly.

Carefully, I backtracked to the bed. I sat down on it, my wings shifting on my back before they settled. The fear of the unknown haunted me.

I hated the facility, but I knew what to expect. Weekly tests, my education, and the occasional walk down the hallway. Nobody new ever spoke to me, and now there was a new man outside, a new room, a new bed, and new everything.

My attention went back to the art on the wall, the pink flower with a grey background. Another new thing, although I hadn't read about this type of flower or seen one drawn quite like this. I tried painting a flower once and it turned out lopsided and floppy, but this was done with the neatness of someone who had drawn over a thousand flowers.

There were a couple of moments of silence, and then a knock came on the door. I froze, expecting the person to just barge in, but nothing happened.

As I thought, another knock sounded. Was I supposed to answer the door?

I got off the bed, and my feet seemed heavy and my steps were too loud as I crossed the distance to the door. My hand touched the knob, and I hesitated before I turned it.

"There you are," a voice said, and I looked up to see him. The other one. "Can I come in?"

My mind was simultaneously racing and blank, and since I couldn't think up a verbal reply I just nodded, opening the door wider and stepping aside.

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