Father's Day

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In a small, picturesque town, Father's Day was a cherished occasion. Families would gather to honor their fathers and show their appreciation for their love and support. But beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic celebration, a dark secret lurked, waiting to be unleashed.

David, a doting son, had spent days searching for the perfect gift for his father, Edward. He stumbled upon an antique shop tucked away in a forgotten corner of town. The shopkeeper presented David with a mysterious box, claiming it held a special gift that would make his father's heart swell with joy.

Excitement filled David's heart as he presented the box to his father on Father's Day morning. Edward's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he carefully unwrapped the gift. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, lay an ornate pocket watch. Its golden surface gleamed in the sunlight, and intricate engravings adorned its casing. Edward was overjoyed by the gift, immediately fastening the pocket watch to his suit. Little did he know that this seemingly innocent present held a sinister power. As the hands of the pocket watch ticked away, a malevolent force awakened within it, slowly consuming Edward's spirit.

Days turned into weeks, and a darkness descended upon Edward. His once-kind eyes became hollow, and his laughter turned into sinister chuckles that sent shivers down David's spine. Edward's behavior grew increasingly erratic and violent, leaving the family bewildered and terrified.

Late one night, as David lay awake, tormented by his father's transformation, he heard a faint ticking sound coming from Edward's room. Curiosity gripped him, and he tiptoed down the hallway, following the ominous noise. Pushing open the door to his dad's room, David was greeted by a chilling sight. His father stood in front of a mirror, his eyes fixed on his reflection. The pocket watch hung from his hand, its hands spinning uncontrollably. His voice echoed with an otherworldly resonance as he chanted incantations, summoning a dark presence. With each word spoken, the room grew colder, and shadows writhed along the walls. The reflection in the mirror twisted and contorted, revealing a grotesque figure lurking just beyond the glass. The malevolent force that had been trapped within the pocket watch had taken possession of Edward's body.

Fear gripped David's heart as he realized the extent of the evil that had been unleashed. With a surge of courage, he lunged forward, snatching the pocket watch from his father's grip, and  slamming the evil watch into the floor, shattering its cursed essence. The incantation faltered, and Edward fell to the ground, gasping for breath as if released from a suffocating grip. The room fell into an eerie silence, and Edward's eyes regained a glimmer of recognition. The darkness that had consumed him receded, leaving behind a sense of desolation and confusion.

Father's Day would never be the same for David and his family. They had glimpsed the depths of darkness that could hide behind the facade of celebration. As the years passed, they remained haunted by the memory of that fateful gift, a reminder of the evil that can lie hidden even in the most cherished of occasions.

From that day forward, the townspeople approached Father's Day with caution, wary of the potential dangers that could emerge from innocent gifts. And David, forever changed by the encounter, vowed to protect his loved ones from the darkness that lurked within the shadows of this seemingly joyous day.

Thanks for reading!!! Hope this Father's Day is a memorable one for everybody!!   ~Charrlotte W.

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