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Training had started & it was. We all hayed every bit of it.

"GIRLS GET UP FROM YOUR BEDS!" The military lady yelled

"Ugh y is she so aggressive w us." Bora said

"I wanna just push her off a cliff." Junhee whined

"Anyways lets go get breakfast." Yoojung said.

"I wonder what the boys military guy is like." I said.

While walking down the hallway Soonyi & i were talking.

"Oh I hope we get creamy tteokbokki & rice! Or even better, spaghetti bolognaise!!"
Soonyi got excited & i tried to calm her down.

When we got to the cafeteria they were giving out food.

"Yahh, what is this?!"
"This isn't even food!!"
It's like we're in a prison!!"

We all whined.

The food tasted disgusting. It was as if we were in a real prison. I couldn't eat it.

"I'll be back."

I ran to the toilets & vomitted. Usually I wouldn't vomit food no matter how disgusting it was but I couldn't this time.

But I thought it would only be one day I'd do this & after i'd get used to it.

After I left the toilets I saw Taeman in the hallway.

"Hi." I bowed to him while walking by.

"You okay?" He asked me

I stopped & turned around to face him.

"I'm fine." I smiled then walked away.

Straight away after the breakfast we went straight to training.

"Ughh I can't do this!!!!" I whined

"Yah, carry on!" The military lady said.

We all hated her. Well the girls did. She was like so apathetic.

"Haein can I record an interview of you?" Chiyeol asked.

"Why at this time I'm gonna die!!"

"Just quickly!"

"Ok then."

"So how do you feel abt this training?"

"Seriously? Is that even a question I'm gonna die!! They feed us unedible food & then make us train for hours!"
"How are u feeling abt this Kimchi?"

He then stopped recording.

"I hate it too." He said.

After we got sent back to out classroom.

While walking I saw Taeman flirting w Yoojung again.

I usually don't care but i got a bit bothered by it.

I dont know why tho.

"Haein-ah! How r u feeling?" Heerak appeared out of nowhere.

"I wanna kill her."


"That military lady."

"Ohh the one who yells at u every morning?"

"How do you know?!"

"I get told everything bc yk i got charisma."

I chuckled.

"Get your arm off me now." I said in a jokey way.

When we got back to our classroom we all sat at the back wondering why there were four tables at the front.

I'll wait for you || Wang Taeman x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن