Cozy date (fluff <3)

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Fluff <3
Not every romantic story needs to be sexual. Sometimes you can express more with fluff (cute nonsexual stuff)

I love you

"Hey baby let's go on a date today, how does that sound?" He asks
"I would love that" I answer "what kind of date do you have in mind?"
"I was thinking we can have an at-home date at my house" He tells me
"Okay that sounds good I like that idea. Do you want me to bring any snacks?"

"I was thinking we could go to the store and get stuff together"
"Oh okay baby let's do that then. Just let me know what time to be ready"
"Does 3 hours from now work? I'll pick you up" He asks
"Yeah that works. I'll be ready then baby, I love you"
"Okay see you then - I love you too"

I get my comfiest clothes on and grab a stuffed animal to bring with me
I watch YouTube until it's time for him to be here. He calls me and I go outside seeing him there for me. He gets out of his car and greets me, gives me a kiss, then opens the passenger door for me.

We go to the store and buy hot chocolate and some snacks for our movie. He remembers all of my favorites and makes sure to get them, then he gets his favorites. We make sure to get popcorn too. Before we were about to leave, we go to the stuffed animals and he gets one for me

We check out and go back to the car, and make one more stop before his house. We go to the gas station to get some drinks and snacks that weren't at the store we went to. It's really warm in the gas station and I love this feeling of being with him.
As we're walking out, I notice the cloudy weather. This is perfect weather to spend a whole day with him cuddling up and watching movies, I can tell it's going to be a great time. I'm already having fun with him
The gas station were at has a place where you can rent out movie CDs so we choose a few movies from there to take home to watch

We get to his house and when he opens the door. I feel a wave of warm and comfort escape. His house was dimly lit and had a really nice cozy home atmosphere to it.

Before I go any further into the house, he closes the door behind us and tells me to wait there a little bit.
He comes back around the corner and says I can go in now, and as I go into the living room, I notice led lights set to a nice dim purple. Its my favorite color. It (the living room) has a dark comfy feeling, as his house had grey colors. I think it fits nicely
I see the couch set with a pillow and blankets, ready for us. There are two mugs of freshly made hot cocoa for us on the table sitting in front of the couch; next to it was a bowl of popcorn that I could faintly snell while waiting. I look back at the couch and notice my stuffed animal waiting for us on the couch (not the one he just bought, that one is in my hand - he bought the one on the couch for me when I was feeling sad).

"Sorry I had you wait, I wanted to have the hot chocolate and everything else set up for you."
"Oh that's okay baby don't worry - I love what you set up. Thank you"
I go up to hug him and give him a kiss on the cheek, then one on his lips

We set the rest of our snacks and drinks on the table for later.
We get the first movie CD out and place it in the DVD player, hoping it'll work. Sometimes his DVD player won't work - it's very old - and we use it often.

We get it playing and place the remote on the table
I grab my stuffed animals and we get under the blanket on the couch. He sits down after me, and I snuggle up on his side and chest. He puts his arms around me and gives me kisses on my head
The movie selection screen pops up, and he pauses the kisses to press play. He goes back to giving me cute little kisses, then puts a hand on my head to play with my hair. He whispers in my ear, "I love you so much" I tell him "I love you too"

We watch the movie, I'm in his arms. We get through the first movie, it was pretty good we both liked it. He gets the second movie ready and I offer to make more popcorn. "That's okay I got it princess. I don't want you to have to get up - you look so comfortable and cute" I love him so much I like when he calls me cute. He is right though I am very comfortable but I want to help.
"No its okay I got it don't worry" I say as I get up and grab the bowl. I head to the kitchen with a packet of popcorn to put in the microwave. 2 minutes should do it but I'm going to stay here just in case. I lean against the counter, looking out the glass door while I wait. It's gotten a little bit darker outside, looking like it's rained. I would go outside but it seems way too cold. I'm fine here with my boyfriend.
I look over and the popcorn isn't done yet. My boyfriend walks into the kitchen and gives me a hug. He kisses me and I slip my tongue in his mouth. He picks me up onto the counter and touching me - gliding his hands everywhere on my body and we passionately make out. I love when I can feel his tongue in my mouth it's one of the best feelings in the whole world
We slow down, then pull away from each other. He goes in for an after kiss. He hugs me one more time and brings me down off of the counter. I don't like being carried but with him I'm okay with being picked up.
The microwave beeps, and I open the bag to see perfectly - not burnt - popcorn. I empty the bag into the bowl and discard the bag

We go back into the living room, he presses play on the movie, then we go back to the couch. This time I ask him if we can lay down. He likes that idea and lays down on the couch, against the back. He motions his arms in a welcoming way to have me lay in front of him. He embraces me and puts the blanket over, giving me my stuffed animals. His head is slightly above mine, so he can see the movie. We're watching it sideways but it doesn't matter because it's still good and I'm in his arms.

About halfway through the movie, I feel myself falling asleep and turn around so I'm facing his chest. I hug him to get closer and start to fall asleep. He re-positions himself so he is laying on his back. He puts of him, and I bury my head into his neck. We're hugging each other and soon fall asleep.

Will you marry me 😇
Here is a ring for you -->💍~♡

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