━ 11 | The Polyjuice Potion

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Bloody brilliant you are, Ana.
Yeah, If I didn't know any better, I would think it was really Pansy in front of us!

TO HARRY'S AND RON'S UTTER AMAZEMENT, stage one of the operation went just as smoothly as Hermione and Nova had said

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TO HARRY'S AND RON'S UTTER AMAZEMENT, stage one of the operation went just as smoothly as Hermione and Nova had said.

They had lurked in the deserted entrance hall after Christmas tea, waiting for Crabbe, Goyle, and Parkinson, who had remained alone at the Slytherin table.

Pansy was poking at the remains of her treacle tart while the other two shovelled down their fourth helping of trifle.

Nova watched for any bypassers while Harry perched the chocolate cakes on the end of the railings. When she spotted Pansy leading the two out of the Great Hall, she quickly ushered Harry and Ron to hide behind a suit of armour next to the front door.

"How thick can you get?" Ron whispered ecstatically as Crabbe gleefully pointed out the cakes to Goyle and Pansy before grabbing them.

Pansy was hesitant to accept the pastry as she raised an eyebrow at her two friends, but after a pleasant sniff, she decided it was all right. With a shrug of her shoulders, she stuffed the cake into her mouth.

Crabbe and Goyle took that as a sign of approval as they grinned stupidly and stuffed the cakes whole shortly after Pansy.

They both chewed greedily for a moment while Pansy licked a bit of chocolate from her thumb. The three of them shared a satisfied look before keeling over backwards without the slightest change of expression.

The most challenging bit was hiding them in the cupboard across the hall. Once they were safely stowed among the buckets and mops, Harry yanked out a couple of the bristles that covered Goyle's forehead, and Ron pulled out several of Crabbe's hairs.

Nova moved to take Pansy's shoes, knowing the size difference was just big enough to be a problem. Harry and Ron followed suit as they took Crabbe's and Goyle's.

"Well, boys, looks like we're done here. . ." Nova muttered as she led them out of the cupboard, sprinting to Myrtle's bathroom.

They could hardly see through the thick black smoke from the stall where Hermione was stirring the cauldron. Pulling their robes over their noses, Nova knocked softly on the door, "Hermione?"

The scrape of the lock was heard, and Hermione emerged, shiny-faced and looking anxious. Behind her, they listened to the gloop-gloop of the bubbling, treacle-thick potion. Four glass tumblers stood ready on the toilet seat.

"Did you get them?" Hermione asked breathlessly, and Harry lifted his hand to show her Goyle's hair. "Good. And I sneaked spare Slytherin robes out of the laundry. You'll need bigger sizes anyways once you're Crabbe and Goyle."

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