Nice Backside

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We get to the guys house fortunately in one piece. Why would he let Charles drive?

"Okay last time we let you drive." Logan says. We file out and walk up to the door. He knocks and a lady answers.

She sighs. "What's he done now? I'll just write you a check for whatever he took an-"

"We just need to talk to him." She nods reluctantly and we head inside.

"Peter the cops are here. Again." I look down at the welcome mat and it's pretty worn down. We go downstairs into a basement and it's awesome. There are so many things in here. But the real thing that catches your eye is the boy playing ping pong by himself.

"What do you guys want? I didn't do anything." He speeds to a chair behind us. "I've been here all day." He winks at me and I can't help but smile.

"Oh please." Charles scoffs.

"Relax Peter we're not cops."

"Course you're not cops. If you were cops you wouldn't be driving a rental car." He says.

"How did you know it was a rental?" Charles asks.

"I check your registration when you were walking to the door. I also had some time to kill so I went through your rental agreement. Saw you're out of town. Are you FBI?" He speeds past us taking Charles wallet.

"No no your not. Besides why would FBI agents have a teenage girl with them unless she's an agent." He speeds to me and I can feel him reach in my back pockets before speeding away.

"No you're not either but you have a nice backside."

"You're quite bold."

"You're quite attractive." I roll my eyes and he smirks before speeding off.

"Well he's fascinating." Hank says.

"He's a pain in the ass." Charles whines.

"What is he? A teleporter?"

"No he's just fast. When I know him he's not so young." Logan says.

"Young? Or you're just old." He's sitting behind us.

"So you're not afraid to show your powers." Hank says.

"Powers? What powers I don't know what you're talking about. I don't see anything strange here. Nothing anybody would believe if you told them." He speeds off to play a game. " So who are you?" I speed over there and watch. He doesn't even notice.

"We need your help." I say.

"With what?"

"Breaking into a highly secured prison and get someone out." Logan says.

"Prison break? That's illegal you know?" I look around the room at all the stuff he has. TVs, food, games. And he's talking to us about illegal.

"Only if you get caught." I say.

"What's in it for me?"

"You, you kleptomaniac get to break into the Pentagon." Charles explains. He turns around.

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Because we're just like you." Logan says.

I start speeding around the room and he gets up watching me. I stop behind him and tap his shoulders. He turns around and smirks. I try to get some control and shift my eyes. He nods his head.

"Not as fast as me but I like her." I shrug and speed to Logan. His fists start to grow these bony claws. That's his mutation? Gross.

"That's cool but it's disgusting." He says. "I like her better." I smile and Charles glares at him. We explain the plan.

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