chapter 2

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Se-ri casually  strolled down the sofa section of the furniture store, her focus on her phone as she scrolled between pages of the pet adoption website.  Her husband's suggestion of getting a dog was the only idea that sounded appealing and made sense to her in a long time.

Recently she'd been restless, stuck in idleness. Her clothing store, Edelweiss, was doing well for a small boutique in a busy, outdoor mall. She'd opened it before she and Jeong-hyeok got married as a pet project. Getting her feet wet in fashion retail had been fun, and she learned a lot about business, but the feeling of searching for something more surfaced.

Thinking a baby would solve her problem sounded foolish now. Jeong-hyeok was right. She wasn't ready. But maybe a little pup would be a nice challenge. She lacked the maternal instincts present in some of her mom friends, but knew she only needed time.

Apart from Jeong-hyeok, Se-ri consistently felt the need to switch things up with various aspects of her life. A hair change, fashion, skincare, food. She wanted the flare. Jeong-hyeok was her only constant, and he was useful in bringing her back to earth when she got too carried away.

"What are you looking at?" A strict, feminine voice asked from behind her.

Se-ri turned to her stepsister, Seo Dan, and saw her looking at the phone screen.

"A dog? You want to get a dog?" Dan asked. One eyebrow raised to the top, she stared at Se-ri with doubtful eyes.

If there was anyone who will always tell the truth, it was Dan. Se-ri could count on her for an honest opinion, most of the time unsolicited. Together since they were sixteen years old, Se-ri's father married Dan's mother after being widowed for six years. Their personalities conflicted, but eventually found common grounds. Eventually, Se-ri grew to appreciate Dan's strength and companionship, and considered her one of her best friends.

"Thinking about it," Se-ri answered, putting her phone away.

"What brought that on? You don't strike me as the type to take care of small creatures," Dan said with an air of nonchalance.

Frowning, Se-ri wasn't amused. "I am great with children."

Sensing where the conversation was going, Dan backtracked. "Right, of course you are. Forget I said anything." She looked around the display of sofas. "Why are we here? Are you replacing your furniture?"

"Hmm? Oh, no. I wanted to look for curtains but got sidetracked..."

"By puppies?"

Se-ri nodded. "I told Jeong-hyeok I wanted to try for a baby and he told me I should start with a dog instead."

Dan gawked at her. "A baby? Where did that come from?"

"I can't really explain it. Anyway, just help me pick out a pattern." Se-ri grabbed her stepsister's hand and dragged them toward another showroom. "By the way, you're coming next weekend, right? To the party?"

"What party?"

"I'm hosting a surprise birthday party for Mu-hyeok," Se-ri said. "I sent you the invite months ago."

"Oh, right. Sure, I'll be there."

Se-ri saw Dan's face change, from cool torpor to instant interest.

"So, is he still dating that woman from the ice cream shop?" she asked.

Raising a brow, Se-ri said to her, "Why don't you ask him?"

"No thanks. I have better things to do," Dan deflected. "Let's go party supply shopping."

Before Se-ri could add in another snarky remark, Dan whirled in her heels and walked the opposite direction toward the exit. She might not want to admit it, but her crush on Mu-hyeok, Se-ri's brother-in-law, was the only thing that made her human.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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