Chapter 2: Null

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You were walking through the hallway when you saw Lelouch and Kallen talking to each other, except Kallen is now less suspicious of Lelouch.

Lelouch: "Oh, hey Y/N."

"Hey Lelouch. Hey Kallen."

Kallen waved.

Kallen: "Hey."

"What were you guys talking about?"

Lelouch: "We were just talking about the events that the Student Council President has planned for the school. I think you'll still have fun during them."

The three of you entered a room and they watch the news on the TV.

"Prince Clovis has died, and Honorary Britannian, Suzaku Kururugi, is suspected of murdering him," the Government revealed.

Lelouch and Kallen left the room in silence. After hearing the preposterous speech honoring Clovis, you got disgusted and left as well.

"I know they're scapegoating that guy and plan to use him to get rid of Honorary Britannians," you thought to yourself. "They always look for an excuse to not share their benefits."

The King and The Queen (Kallen Stadtfeld x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now