Part 1: Mario joined the server

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Mario joined the server

Mario: Oh Boiiiiiiiiiiii.

SMG4: hello Mario.

Mario: Can I have spaghetti?

SMG4: Mario, why the hell would you ask me this through discord! That's pretty weird.

Niles: Yeah, that is odd.

Mario: Who tf invited you!

SMG4: I did. Since we are now kinda "cool"

Niles: Yeah. 

Niles: Wait.

Niles: What do you mean by kinda "cool"

SMG4 has left the server 

Niles: You bi-

A while later

Bob: I bet the deed for Meggy's house for god powers.

Niles: Deal!

Meggy: Why Bob! Also, why are you gambling in a discord server?

Bob: Shut up Meggy you're no fun!

Niles: Yeah! Your no fun.

Whimpu: *You're

On Whimpu's computer: Niles wants to know your current location

Whimpu: 😨

Niles: Anyways, Bob pick a number between 1 and 10.

Bob: Your Mom!

Niles: Incorrect! Anyways, hand over the deed!

Meggy:  I'm homeless again😔

A while later

Boopkins: Tari do you want to roleplay? 

Tari: Sure 🥐

Boopkins: How much for it? 💸💸💸

Tari: 5$ 💲💲💲💲

Mario: Why are you gay?

Boopkins: Hey! Thats not very nice!

Mario: Nobody cares!

Tari: Hey! Leave him alone!

Minion: Cant we just hug it out? 😁😁😁😁

Mario: NO!!! THATS GAY!!!

Boopkins: That is a great idea!

Tari: YEAHHHH!!!! 🦆🦆🦆🦆

A while later

SMG4: Guys I found this cool epic game!!!

SMG3: Cool what is it?

SMG4: Genshin Impact

SMG3: SMG4 please don't become one of those cringe kids 🙄

SMG2: I found this cool website!

SMG3: Please be better than Genshin Impact.

SMG1: It's called Wattpad.

SMG3: Wattpad?

SMG4: You got to see how much fun I'm having in Genshin.

SMG3: Yo 1. You have that anti-cringe salt?

SMG1: I do.


SMG1: Geez alright! Can I explain Wattpad?

SMG3: Sure.

SMG1: Basically, it's this website where you can write fan-fics and novels and share them on the internet.

SMG3: I'm on it right now. I'm going to search SMG4 in the search bar for the fun of it.

SMG1: Cool tell us what you find?

SMG3: SMG34? There is no one named that.

Mario: LOL!!!!!

SMG3: Hey, whats so funny about SMG34?

Spudnick: Nooothiiing.

Hall Monitor joined the server

Hall Monitor: SMG34 is basically a ship name between SMG3 and SMG4.

SMG3: WTF!!!!

A while later

SMG5: I'm hosting an event and you guys are invited. 🎉🎉

Melony: Cant wait to come.

Bob: Is their going to be hot girls?

SMG6: No Bob.

Bob: 😭

SMG5: SMG4 and Mario could you help set up the event?

Mario: No

SMG4: Sure!

SMG6: We'll reward you will spaghetti Mario 🙄

Mario: Do we start now or...

SMG5: Also Meggy could you cook the food?

Meggy: Um.... You see.... Im a horrible cook.

SMG6: Eh. We all learn from somewhere.

Meggy: I dont think you get it! I literally summoned a demon last time I tried cooking something.

SMG6: 😲

SMG5: Cool!!! It spices up the boring event!

SMG6: FIve I swear!!!

SMG4: Mario Joins Discord 2Where stories live. Discover now