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August 11, 2030

10:00 hours Falmart Local time

Outside of Coda village

"Sir, permission to make first contact with the locals?" Kurokawa asked her commanding officer

"Permission granted. Itami, Kurata, i want you two here now! I'm giving you two and Sgt Kurokawa the green light to make first contact and bring the reporter with you as well." Nasa barked

"Sir yes sir." All three of them replied

Kurata walks to First Sargeant White's vehicle

"First Sargeant White, have you seen the reporter anywhere?" Kurata asked Staff Sargeant White

"Yes, he's pissing on a bush" the now First Sargeant White, who was recently promoted to First Sargeant replied

"Who's guarding him?" Kurata asked

"Lance Corporal Stafford is." First Sargeant White replied

"Roger that, thanks Sargeant." Kurata said

Kurata walks to Lance Corporal Stafford and Johnathan 'John' Kagashina

"Hey John, the Captain wants you to come with us, we're initiating first contact with the locals" Kurata said to John

"Alright, I'll be there in a minute" John replies


Coda Village

Kurokawa sees a local kid and smiles at him, Kurokawa sees the mother and waves at her. Kurokawa gives the signal for Itami, Kurata and John to show themselves with Captain Nasa Yuzaki and Lieutenant Anthony Walker and some of his men following behind and they give some gifts to the locals before leaving

"The sky is so blue" Itami said

"There are places like these in Nara" Nasa replied

"I imagine dragons and fairies flying around. Everyone we've run into so far has been human. What a bummer" Kurata said

"you really wanna see some Cat girls huh?" Itami asked Kurata

"A cat girl, a voluptuous sorceress, whatever." Kurata said

"What about you Captain? What's your deal?" Kurata asked

Nasa smirks as turns on the radio for the whole Platoon to listen

"I prefer real women rather than animated ones that teens perform some 'explict' activites with." Nasa smirked


Somewhere on Falmart

[All Hitman and Assassin Victors hold 35 kph, maintain dispersion, Observe everything and admire nothing.] Nasa said over his Radio

"Kurata, take a right at the stream right here and follow it. We should arrive at the forrest that the Coda village chief was talking about." Sargeant Major Soichiro Kuwahara

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