Mr. Wrong Part 8

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"I'm sorry I worried you," Trina mumbled into Spencer's chest as they waited for the doctors to return to the room. "I can't believe my mom was involved in this. She comforted me after the video was sent, she lectured me and all the while, sh as behind it." Her voice came out as a whisper as she spoke.

Spencer kissed her forehead as the doctor returned to the room.

"Ms. Robinson, everything else seems quite fine; your pressure was elevated. Under a lot of stress?" He asked as he peeked at her, "Yeah, I am." He nodded compassionately, "Understandable; life throws a lot at one person, but you must keep calm and leveled; if you need someone to assist you with your anxiety, I can recommend them, especially to keep that little one safe."

Spencer and Trina paused at his ending statement.

"Excuse me?" Trina asked, the question coming out harsher than intended. The doctor looked back and forth between the couple. "Oh, my apologies; I thought you knew."   "Knew what?" Trina quickly asked again.

"You're three weeks pregnant."

"I did not commit any cyberextortion or  Cyberespionage." Bradley spat at Jordan as she and her partner questioned him. Jordan smirked as his laptop was brought to the interrogation table.

"We have witness reports that you manipulated the mayor's grandson's features on a man you paid to be a model for." Bradley shrugged, "That's not a crime."   Jordan's partner laughed at the techie's nonchalance.

"We know that, but extortion is." Her partner stood up, pacing the room after sitting for the past fifteen minutes. "I extorted no one; we went over this." Jordan slid his phone over, "Is this not you requesting funds from Spencer Cassadine, and in return, the video won't be sent to his girlfriend."

Bradley shook his head in disbelief as he looked at the text messages between him and Spencer on his mobile screen. " You then threatened to leak the video for funds after the initial plan didn't work." Jordan continued.

"And no wonder the C.I.A. released your ass. You've been hacking confidential Government data." Her partner confronted him after other intel was found on his laptop.

"What?!" Bradley exclaimed at the revelation of evidence found on his systems.

He shook his head as Esme's words taunted him. "Spinelli," he mumbled under his breath.

"I need to speak with my lawyer."

Jordan stood up as officers arrested him. "Yeah, Ms. Prince does too." She pettily exclaimed as Laura made her way into the station with Ace.


Laura's face drops as Dante informs her of the situation, "She was right under our nose." Laura exhaled as she took a seat to process the information. She couldn't believe Esme played ignorant of who she was for so long.

"They both were." He commented as they watched officers carry away a resisting Esme. "Wait, my baby. My baby!" She screams, triggering cries to slip from the toddler's lips.

"How did you know?" She asked Dante as Sam approached. "Spencer alerted us." She told Laura as Dante stood up to leave with her. "At least he did something legally for once," she commented as she rocked the fussy baby.

Dante and Sam glanced at each other before agreeing

Unbeknownst to everyone besides the foursome, the evidence on Bradley's equipment was falsified by the original Port Charles, Jackal.

Spencer carefully guided Trina into the apartment. "Watch your step, babe." Trina paused her movements. "Spencer, stop." He looked at her as she did the same to him. "You don't have to become overprotective." he nodded, "Sorry, it's just–I don't want you to hurt yourself or....or our baby."

Her annoyed facial expression turned soft as she approached him. "We're pregnant," she spoke out loud, snapping into reality as she heard herself. "I'm scared," Spencer confessed, making her laugh softly. She shook her head, "So am I, my love. So am I," she reiterated as she held his face.

He held her waist, his large hands automatically cupping her stomach. He caressed it softly before kneeling, "Hey, little person, we didn't expect you so soon." Trina couldn't help herself as he spoke to her flat stomach, which held a new life.

Her fingers combed his hair as he rested his head against her stomach, holding her in place as he wrapped his arms around her.

She felt him abruptly let go; he bounced up as a familiar expression of realization spread across his features. "This place is too small for him to play in; we need an actual home." he rambled, picking up his phone.

She called after him, but he left the room; her jaw dropped as she realized he had actually called a realtor.

"Got to find one before nine months." She heard him on the phone before he hung up.  "Spencer!" She yelled, gaining his attention. "What?" He replied, clueless to her bewildered state. "This apartment is fine, babe." She gestured around the two-story penthouse.

"This is my home – our home, but now, we need a family home; this...isn't that." He explained; Trina smiled softly at his sentiment. "Alright, fine. But I get to choose what I like." She teased as he opened their room door for her. "Of course, my lady. You are the boss."

She smirked at him as she pulled him between her legs after she sat on the bed. "As long as you know that." She pushed him on the bed beside her, crawling up his lap.

She repeatedly pecked his lips before indulging in a deep kiss with him. "Well, your boss demands you to make love to her."  Her sultry voice sent shivers down his spine.  He gave a small smile before rolling her over, "Yes, ma'am." he whispered in her ear before nibbling it and trailing kisses back to her lips.

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