Too Much Testosterone

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Dedication to SnowFire195, because she helped me out when I was desperate for names, and thus, helped in the creation of the one and only, Skyler Hanson. (His picture is on the side>)

Birdie's POV

"The Party has arrived!!" I'm pulled from my drifting state of conscious all too quickly. I look at my phone, and realize that I wasn't under for much longer than a minute.

Well this is definitely going to be  long bus ride. I think, as I realize the source of the voice: Skyler Hanson. It is my own personal belief that Skyler Hanson was put on this earth for a single purpose: to F*** everything up.

Oh, so you don't believe me? Justin was "friends" with Skyler in High School. Justin's a freshman in college now, and Skyler's a senior. But basically, Justin and Lexi both went to a party at skyler's house last year, right? Now that alone, wouldn't have been that horrible, except for one thing: Lexi got drunk, and when I say drunk, I mean really, REALLY drunk. So drunk that she let Skyler Hanson screw her over. 

So basically, Lexi comes home in the mooning bawling her eyes out, blubbering about how she thought that what she and Skyler had was "special", how "this shouldn't have happened", and finally how they "were perfect for each other" and he "just doesn't see it".  Yeah, it was that bad.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! You have to understand this: Justin is an incredibly overprotective a$$, even when it comes to Lexi. Because he is an overprotective a$$, he did something incredibly stupid, something that he should never have even remotely considered doing. He punched Skyler in the face. Repeatedly.

AND THE DEAL GETS BETTER! Not only did Skyler get TWO black eyes for the price of one, but he also got an added broken nose, FREE OF CHARGE!  (I think it's safe to say Skyler probably won't go shopping there again)

Now, back to more current events. 

"The one and only Skyler Hanson has arrived! Consider yourself lucky! You get to spend a week in my amazing presence!" I'm pretty sure that since he got on the bus, my tolerance of males and their incredibly high level of testosterone just dropped, by a lot.

"Skyler, you're getting a big ego. This is cross country, not a beauty pageant." Coach Chrissy grinned. She was my favorite of the three coaches, and just being out of college, is closest to my age. It's not like Head Coach Jackson was a bad coach... he was just a little old. (I honestly couldn't tell you how old, but despite his age, he still ran with us... and was unfortunately faster than me.) Coach Phil, the other coach, let me just say, is a creep. He has a mustache, and his hair is greasy, constantly. 

"Sorry, Chris, but I just can't help it! I'm just naturally awesome." Chris was his nickname for her, and she absolutely despised it. but before Coach Chrissy could reply, a new voice chimed in.

"Skyler! Cut it out, man. Enough's enough." Mason Anderson; I think that he can be described through the use of a single word: HOT. 

His eyes were gorgeous light blue that contrasted against his dark brown, practically black hair. He and Skyler looked almost as though they could be related, except for the fact that Skyler's eyes were brown, rather than blue, and Skyler was a cocky d***head, unlike Mason. Mason was confident, but not cocky. He just had that aura of leadership. Maybe that was why he was Cross Country team captain, even though he was only a junior.

Mason was also one of the nicest guys ever. I know I had never really gotten to know him, but one incident can change your opinion of someone. 

*2 summers ago*

"Seventh grade boys and first time male runners! You're going to be running with me today." Coach Jackson announced. "Since you are to the trails out here, I'm going to show you around so that you won't get lost. New female runners will be running with some of our seniors girl runners."

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