Journal Entry #2

422 21 0

Day 14

Time is indefinite. How long has it been since I saw her smile? Since I saw her bite her lip and stare of into the distance, her mind wandering off to a place I wish I could visit? Did anyone ever wonder? What is Maya Hart thinking about? What are her views on life? Does she eat the crust from her pizza or does she leave it on her plate? What kind of person is she? Looking at her from the outside, everyone knew. A sarcastic, rebellious, broken artist. The picture she painted for herself. Her best art piece, the one she worked on the longest, the one she was the proudest of. No one really looked behind the painting, nobody even tried to scratch off all the layers of paint. Her canvas remained untouched. And I think that's what she wanted. Why else would she paint over it?

-Lucas Friar

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