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Lee had his fingers threaded behind his head and his feet up on his desk across from me. He whistled lowly and I only frowned at him, swivelling my eyes back to my screen.

A stack of files were to his right and he hadn't bothered to analyse more than a few briefs, because he decided he was going to grill me about the one woman I would now be on an even stronger mission to avoid, because I apparently had an itching inclination to get to close to her, by simply being in her presence.

The blotch of red across my throat and neck served as a reminder that there would be consequences by hanging around her, even if she wasn't the one who forced me to have shrimp and lobster pizza of all things, a few nights ago.

"You told her to just call or come over to yours if she needed anything?" Lee brought up.

"I believe the words were: just call, I'm a door away, ask for anything." I grunted out aloud.

"Dude." Lee deadpanned. "You made it sound like you're ready to be a booty call."

"No. There was no talk of that nature. Don't be absurd. Aud —Naomi is someone who I need to stay away from." I corrected myself swiftly, scowling. "I'm only jeopardising things for myself if I continue to give her attention."

"Because she's your best friend's little sister, or because you're starting to get a hard on over her face?" Lee lazily grinned at me and I fought to desire to throw a chair at him.

"Speak like that again and I'll make you regret sharing my office." I ground out bitterly. "Can you consider someone your friend if you don't even talk to them?"

Lee shrugged. "It depends. I think you shouldn't stay away from her, mind you, it'll only make your dick stiffer staying away. Maybe you just need to get it wet. Your dick."

I glared at him. "Stop saying dick. She asked me if I knew where the clit was. For a moment I forgot the question came from a brat like her and nearly answered her."

"Do you know where it is?" Lee smirked, and unthreaded his fingers from behind his head, curious as he sat up and spun around in the leather chair. "What's the deal with you and her anyways and this supposed rivalry?"

"You never take sex ed?" I narrowed my eyes at him, and pursued the folder before me, wondering what was possessing me to share what was on my mind in the first place. "Don't know each other well enough truthfully."

"Yes or no?" He snorted. "They don't teach about the clitoris in school, mind you."

"We're not having this conversation." I finalised. "Take a look at the 08190 file."

"In a minute." Lee pressed conversationally. "What are your birthday plans?"

"I don't celebrate my birthday." I said begrudgingly. "Why do you ask?"

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