Forbidden Flames. Part 2

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"Miss Granger," his voice slithered through the air, laced with a hint of impatience, "you may choose to continue your productive endeavors by replenishing the dwindling supply of firewood, which is actively sustaining the warmth you currently enjoy, or you may choose to step inside the house."

The mere presence of Hermione Granger on his doorstep ranked among the most unlikely occurrences in Severus Snape's existence. Yet, a gnawing sense of obligation tugged at his conscience, preventing him from turning her away without succumbing to the torment of remorse. Something had undeniably transpired, a catalyst that had driven her to venture into this desolate wilderness. Perhaps, as the years advanced, he had become more susceptible to sentiments long suppressed, or perhaps he simply desired to shield his own secrets from prying eyes.

Nestled within the snowy embrace of the forest, the humble hut stood as a sanctuary amidst the wild expanse. Its weathered exterior, bearing the marks of time and the harsh elements, blended harmoniously with the natural beauty of the surrounding pines. Stepping across the threshold, Hermione found herself transported into a realm of rustic charm and tranquil simplicity.

The interior of the hut evoked a sense of nostalgia, reminiscent of a classic hunting lodge from a bygone era. Soft, diffused sunlight filtered through the frost-kissed windows, casting a warm glow upon the wooden surfaces that adorned the space. The air carried a hint of aged wood and the faint aroma of a crackling fireplace, lending an inviting ambiance to the room.

Against the backdrop of light-colored walls, wooden furniture stood as sturdy guardians of comfort and familiarity. A worn leather armchair, weathered and imbued with countless stories, beckoned Hermione to sink into its embrace. A cozy reading nook, nestled in a corner, boasted shelves lined with well-worn books, their pages whispering tales of adventure and enchantment. A simple wooden dining table, adorned with a faded checkered tablecloth, stood as a gathering place for shared meals and lively conversations.

Subtle touches of craftsmanship adorned the hut's walls, showcasing the artistry of the unknown hands that had crafted them. Hand-carved animal figurines and vintage hunting paraphernalia added a touch of rustic charm, reminding Hermione of the hut's origins and purpose. Warm woolen blankets draped over the backs of chairs, ready to ward off the chill of the forest's embrace.

In this haven of tranquility, light colors dominated the space, accentuating the interplay of natural light and the earthy textures of wood. Soft hues of cream and pale gold adorned the walls, amplifying the warmth that radiated throughout the room. The occasional splash of color, in the form of nature-inspired artwork or a vibrant tapestry, served as a reminder of the vibrant world that lay just beyond the hut's confines.

It was a place where time seemed to stand still, where one could retreat from the bustling chaos of the outside world and find solace in the simplicity of life's essentials. The hut exuded a sense of coziness, as if it had embraced generations of weary wanderers, offering them respite and comfort in equal measure. It was a sanctuary of serenity, a testament to the enduring allure of the natural world and the restorative power of a tranquil abode.

Seated by the crackling fireplace, its dancing flames casting a warm, golden glow upon the room, Hermione followed Severus Snape's pointed gesture and gingerly settled into the plush armchair. The worn leather creaked softly in response to her weight, its contours embracing her weary form with a comforting embrace. With a grateful smile, she allowed herself to sink deeper into its welcoming embrace, finding respite from the trials of her unexpected journey.

As she tried to steal discreet glances at her enigmatic host, Snape's voice cut through the silence, interrupting her inquisitive gaze. His words carried a mix of sharpness and resignation, as if he had grown accustomed to the ceaseless curiosity surrounding him. "Yes, you can continue to silently look at me," he remarked dryly, his penetrating gaze meeting her own. "I already hear all your thoughts even from here."

Hermione couldn't help but feel a flutter of astonishment at his claim, her mind racing with questions and conjectures. How could he still be alive? Why had she never known? But before she could voice her queries, Snape swiftly reassured her that he had no intention of unveiling the mysteries surrounding his continued existence. It was an enigma that he would guard with unwavering resolve, forever shrouded in secrets.

Lost in a whirlwind of thoughts, Hermione sought to gather her composure before addressing her former professor. She reminded herself, with a mix of awe and trepidation, that she was in the presence of the formidable Severus Snape—a man of many facets, a master of potions, and a key player in the treacherous realm of espionage. The fact that he had not abandoned her to freeze in the unforgiving cold was the only genuine surprise in this bewildering turn of events.

Curiosity, tempered with caution, prompted Hermione to pose a question that danced upon her lips. "Why did you let me in?" she inquired, her voice laced with a mixture of intrigue and uncertainty.

Snape's response carried a hint of wry humor, accompanied by an undercurrent of something deeper. "For someone to reproach me later," he replied, a trace of irony coloring his words. "To leave Hermione Granger, a war heroine, the embodiment of intelligence, and an esteemed lawyer, ill-prepared for the elements to perish in the bitter cold... Perhaps tempting fate is not the wisest course of action."

In the flickering light of the fireplace, their exchange held a palpable tension, an unspoken acknowledgement of the intricacies that bound them together. Hermione couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and intrigue, recognizing that there was more to this unexpected encounter than met the eye. In the heart of that remote forest, their paths had converged once again, igniting a myriad of possibilities and uncharted territories.

In the midst of the rustic hut, bathed in the soft glow of the flickering hearth, Hermione couldn't contain her frustration any longer. Words tumbled from her lips in a torrent, each syllable infused with a mixture of exasperation and indignation. With a furrowed brow, she recounted the perplexing events that led her to this remote corner of the world, her voice laced with a hint of desperation.

"My friend and I were embarking on a journey to the enchanting Alps, to a picturesque magical village. But the portal at the travel agency malfunctioned, or perhaps I simply chose the wrong one! And now, here I stand. Can you fathom the incomprehensibility of it all? Do you have any inkling of where we are?"

Snape's response carried a tinge of sarcasm, underscoring the unexpected nature of Hermione's presence. "That is precisely what I have been attempting to convey," he retorted, a faint smile playing upon his lips. "So, should I anticipate an entourage of your friends arriving here next? Do you believe I regularly receive guests while the Ministry graciously adjusts portals to my doorstep?"

Hermione's response was swift and sharp, her voice laced with defiance. "Of course not!" she exclaimed, her words biting through the air with unintentional sharpness.

An unexpected chuckle escaped Snape's lips, a rare display of amusement amidst the tension that filled the room. His laughter held a touch of irony, as if acknowledging the undeniable force of Hermione's determination.

"Very well," he mused, his voice tinged with resignation. "But tell me, how did you manage to injure yourself in this calamity?"

Frustration welled within Hermione, mingling with the pain throbbing in her injured leg. She recounted the mishap with fervor, her voice tinged with a mix of annoyance and exasperation. "I slipped off the ice slide when the wretched portal deposited me in the wrong location!" she exclaimed, a touch of exasperation coloring her words.

Snape's eyes narrowed in a combination of impotent fury and resigned acceptance. He sighed audibly, his exhalation fraught with the weight of responsibility that seemed to follow him. "And, as always, I shall bear the consequences," he muttered under his breath, his frustration palpable.

"I apologize, Mr. Snape," Hermione interjected, her tone tinged with both defiance and exasperation, "but I--"

"I am not your professor anymore," Snape interjected sharply, his voice laced with finality. "You may address me as Mr. Snape."

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