chapter 1

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The mark on his cheek from his uncle’s fist was still fresh and very painful. It was so unfair, he hadn’t done anything, he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time when his uncle had come home early that morning grumbling about his gambling debts. He had claimed that Rain had smirked at him, but Rain hadn’t even been paying attention to his uncle. He had been smiling at a kitten playing outside the window of their dining room. Once the house they lived in had been well kept and lavishly furnished but since his uncle had become master after Rain’s father had been killed in an accident it had stopped being maintained. Most of the furnishings had been sold to cover Uncle Niran’s gambling debts. Rain had just been a baby when his father had been killed and his uncle and cousins often reminded him that he was lucky they had taken him in. Most days Rain didn’t feel very lucky at all.

Rain has been wandering with tears in his eyes for a while and didn’t realize at first that he was lost. He hasn't been paying attention to where he was going, but he freezes when a voice near at hand says, “What a pretty young omega, come join us for a drink.”

Rain looks up and that's when he realizes he has no idea where he is. This part of the city is completely unfamiliar to him, there is a gambling house in front of him but that doesn’t help. The city is filled with these houses, all owned by P’Pakin. The one that had spoken to him was a member of a group of alphas and betas hanging out in front of the gambling house. They are staring at Rain in a way that makes him feel slightly ill.

“No thanks,” Rain says, backing up. He wonders if he should try to run and if he does can he escape this group?

“Don’t be like that, we can show you a good time.” The man says approaching Rain and grabbing him by the wrist. Rain tries to pull away but the alpha’s grip is like a band of iron.

“This boy is with me,” comes a voice from the door of the gambling house. The group immediately scatters from the authority of that voice. The man holding Rain’s wrist drops it like he has been burned and turns to run. Rain looks at the handsome alpha standing in the entrance and can’t help but to wonder if he had gone from the frying pan directly into the fire. The alpha descends the steps and takes Rain by the arm and drags him away from the establishment.

For the second time that day Rain wonders if he should try to run. He is certain he is done for, the other alpha had scared him but this one feels dangerous in a way the other one hadn’t. Rain feels his heartbeat speed up when the alpha stops and turns to him. However he says in a kind voice, “What are you doing here little omega? Lost?” His fingers brush the mark on Rain’s cheek gently and he frowns.

“I, um,” Rain feels a little like he is drowning in the man’s eyes. “I didn’t pay attention to where I was going. I’ve never been to this part of the city before.” he finally admits.

“Come,” the alpha says, “I can lead you to the marketplace. You can get home from there, right?”

Rain nods, he is quite familiar with the marketplace, since he is sent to do most of the shopping since the servants had to be let go because of lack of funds.

They walk in silence until they reach the edge of the shops then the man says, “I will leave you here, little omega. Don’t go getting lost again, there are some bad people out there.”

Rain nods solemnly and thanks the alpha for helping him. It’s only after he leaves that he realizes he should have at least asked the alpha’s name.

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