Chapter one: The Fight

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He sits a little towards the edge of the wooden bench as you both wait for the tram to come in. You could tell something was wrong the minute he met up with you at the train station. This morning, you didn't want to get out of bed because of how hungover you are but he really insisted on hanging out; the tone in his voice made it seem there was a problem. So, like the good friend you are, you took Advil and tried to wake yourself . You tried your best to make sure you didn't look like a zombie.

Although he acted on the phone as if he really wanted to see you, seeing him in person makes you think otherwise. He is attentive to his phone, as if he wants nothing to do with you. Why invite me to hangout if you're not going to talk to me? You wonder.

As your buried deep in your thoughts, causing your head to hurt more, the train finally arrives. You both sit across the aisle from one another, which you found abnormal. Just last night/this morning, you were both sitting in the same booth, joking and laughing in the club with the rest of your friends. You even danced together at one point in the night but after dancing, you couldn't remember the rest. Did I do something wrong last night? You thought looking over at Namjoon.

The whole ride Namjoon buries his face into his phone, not picking his head up once. You are searching him to find the right words to say, when all of a sudden you watch is buzzing, causing you look down to see a message from Hoseok.

Hoseok: Are you with Namjoon?

Y/N: Yeah, he's acting weird though...

Hoseok: Weird how?

Y/N: He's not talking to me and he is sitting away from me. Did I do something last night?

Hoseok: I don't remember, did you tell him your secret?

Hoseok: did you???

Me: I would have remembered.... I think....

He keeps silent, his thumb gliding across his phone screen. You lightly bit your low lip and try again, louder in case he didn't hear you. "Everything okay?" This time he shuts his Samsung flip phone closed, making you jump a little in your seat. He looks out the window, mumbling something under his breath. "What?" You ask shyly.

"I'm fine," he says quickly and harshly. Your heart sinks as you are taken back by his quick, rude response. You turn your body away from him and move it slightly to the left so you can look out the window. You cross your arms in front of your body, your left hand caressing the right. You are trying your best not to cry, trying to hold it in. He shouldn't have invited.

Once the train finally arrived to the town, you guys walk over to the café the two of you always paid a visit when life problems needed to be discussed away from the group. It has been a while since you have both visited. You guys found it by accident one day when you were both 19, out exploring. While you were walking around the cute little town, it started to rain and you were both standing next to the café, deciding to wait out the storm. Ever since then, the two of you would come here, as a therapy session.

Although, the last time you were both here is when he told you about Nuri for the first time. You remember it like it was yesterday, how strange the conversation was between you two.

At the time, you were noticing for a while he kept looking at his phone and smiling a lot. You asked him about it but he instead on going to the café. You remember how weird he was acting than, almost the way he is now. He wasn't rude that time but he was quiet, didn't say anything until you both got off the train.

You remember your stomach started to feel uneasy, getting a weird feeling about the situation. Once you sat down at the cafe, you were about to ask him what's going on, until he blurred out how he started dating someone. You wanted to cry right there and then but you had to act normal, you didn't want him to know about your crush. But the way he spoke, it was almost as if he was asking permission.

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