1 || It Begins..

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I stared at the group of men in front of me as they all scurried out of the bank, when their eyes met mine they quickly ran in the other direction.

"well y'all know how this goes.."

I quickly launched forward and attacked, snatching everyone up and binding every single one of them between my web. I saluted towards them before swooping away just as the police arrived on the scene.

while swooping through the city a portal suddenly opened in front of me, basically absorbing me right out of the sky.

"WHAA-" I shrieked as I was sucked right out of my universe. Anyways, let's go back to the beginning.

My name is M/n L/n. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for about a year I've been the one and only Spider-Man. I'm sure you know the rest. I lost my dad and I saved a bunch of people then saved the city. Then I saved the city again...and again...and again...

After all of that, I still love being Spider-Man..I mean who wouldn't. No matter how many times I get hit, I always find a way to come back. Because there's only one thing standing between New York City and total oblivion and that's me.

~ Flashback ~

"You liking the party so far?" Erin asked M/n.

"Yea, I'm enjoying it so far." M/n forced a fake smile onto his lips as he responded, not wanting to ruin the mood. "I'm gonna step out for a sec tho, my mom's calling and you know how she is."

"Okay, let me know if you need anything!" and with a polite wave Erin had left M/n alone.

As he stepped outside onto the street M/n exhaled loudly, he thought that Erin was a nice friend and all but the people she hung around were a little too ghetto for him. He decided to lie tell her that his mom needed him home for a family emergency, but instead of going home he slid into the corner store right down the street. He plopped in his AirPod Pros and immersed himself in music as he shopped.

He was a bit thirsty so he went to the back of the store where the drinks were. As he reached for [Favorite Drink] he didn't notice the small spider creeping through the shelves right behind him. It dropped onto the floor and jumped on M/n's shoe as he grabbed the drink and walked to the counter.

It traveled up his body as he payed for his drink and left the store, up his leg, into his sweatshirt, and down his sleeve eventually popping out onto his hand all while M/n was still jamming out to music. M/n looked down to check the time on his watch before he saw it, then his eyes went wide.

A shrill scream that could be heard from down the street came out of M/N's mouth. He flicked his hand so hard that he thought it would come off, sending his drink flying. The people around him thought that M/n was another crackhead roaming the streets so that didn't pay him too much attention after he screamed. M/n booked it and ran home as fast as he could, he was so shaken that he didn't even realize that the spider bit him.


when he got home he slammed the door and let out a sigh of relief.

"M/n are you okay?? you know we don't slam doors here." His mother popped her head out of the kitchen with a look of confusion on her face.

"Sorry..there was a spider..on me.." he responded as he huffed out of breath. His mom nodded, understanding as she knew how M/n was when it came to bugs. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed some water and chugged it all down in a few gulps, his mother side eyed him before going back to cleaning out the pantry.

He walked to his room and sprawled out on his bed as he pulled out his phone and called up his bestie, Dreanna, to talk about everything that happened. They went on and on as they talked all night, gossiping about Erin's friends and the spider that nearly gave M/n a heart attack.

At school the next day M/n went up to the roof for lunch, Dreanna and his other main friends weren't there that Monday so he had to eat alone. He huffed as he bit into mediocre school food, but then he saw a 20 dollar bill on the other side of the roof. A smile sprang onto his face and M/n being the person he is immediately jumped up and walked towards it. 'Oouuu I'm getting paid today..' he thought to himself, but as he went grab it a gust of wind sent it over the edge. M/n jumped out to catch it but lost his balance and went over the edge.

"SHIT-" he shouted only to soon realize that he was standing on side of the building. "what the fuck.."

He looked around and made sure no one saw as climbed back over onto the roof acting as if nothing happened. He felt like he was avoiding death, first with the weird spider and now he's walking on the side of buildings? something was definitely up. "Yea..I must be tripping."

But just as he walked back towards his food he felt a tingly feeling in his head and had a strong urge to move over to the side. Giving in to the sudden urge he shifted over only for bird shit to hit the area where he was just standing. His jaw dropped.

"Bitch I'm psychic."

~ Back To Present ~

M/n fell on top of a building with a loud thud as he looked around. He saw New York but something was different, he couldn't wrap his finger around it.

"What the hell.." he said and he stood and stretched. 'Well let me just go home.' He thought as he swung towards his home.

He slid through the window when he got there to find his room, it didn't look any different from before he went through the portal so maybe he was just going crazy. Even his clothes were the same so he just switched into a Tee and some shorts and walked into the living room, his mom was on the couch watching tv and everything seemed normal. He brushed off the portal and someone or something trying to mess with his head, but oh how wrong he would be.

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