chapter 7

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Eira's heart was pounding rapidly in her chest.

She wasn't sure if she was yelling or not, she felt as if her senses were completely muddled. The scene materializes in front of her face, washing away the initial shock.

The helicopter hovers overhead, watching their every move. The repetitive thrumming of the blades makes Eira want to throw something.

She makes a move to run towards the edge of the cliff but is cut off by loud snapping- the guns were being fired.

Small explosions litter the snow cover below them, sending puffs of white clouds up where the bullets make contact with the Earth.

Eira looks over at the hunters, waiting for a cue of some sort.

Artemis steps up once more, her arm outstretched and her face calm with underlying discontentment. "Mortals," she starts, "are not allowed to witness my hunt."

She thrusts out her outstretched hand, sending a shockwave up to the helicopter. The black vehicle erupts in a wave of ravens, flying in all directions.

And then the field falls silent, the loud hum of the helicopter overhead is no more.

The hunters close in.

Eira watches as the girl from earlier stalks up to Thalia with an angered expression. "You," she says with the same accent as before.

"Zoë Nightshade." Thalia sneers. "Perfect timing, as usual."

The tension between the two was palpable. Eira wonders what kind of history Thalia has with the group- or more specifically, this one huntress.

Her golden eyes scan the demigods who have now gathered together, her gaze landing on Eira longer than the others.

"Five half bloods and a satyr, My Lady."

Eira begins to show her frustration with the way the hunters are blowing off what had just happened. Her fists clench.

"Yes," Artemis' cool drawl soothes some of her growing anger, "some of Chiron's campers, I see."

Percy disrupts the tenderness of Artemis' reply from his position kneeling next to her. "Annabeth, you have to let us save her!"

"I'm sorry Percy Jackson," Artemis replies to him but looks to Eira instead, "but your friend is beyond help."

Eira stiffens the air around her without thinking. Some of the huntresses gasp with the speed in which the air and pressure drops around them. The wind whips her hair and travels to the goddess in front of her, gathering everyone's attention to her.

"You didn't even try to save her!" She's yelling now, addressing all of the young girls in front of her. "You saw her on its back and you did nothing."

Instead of replying, the auburn haired goddess sends Eira a sympathetic glance, lowering her head to the floor. Her anger, burning hot just a moment ago, turns to shame.

Shame at everyone else for their dismissal of her best friend, but more importantly, shame at herself for not being able to do anything about it.

Percy tries to stand up, but is pushed down by a group of hunters. He struggles against their grip.

"Let me go! Who do you think you are?" He yells.

Eira wonders how he has no idea who he's speaking to.

Zoë steps forward in his direction, looking violent. Eira steps up in front of her before she could reach Percy, staring at her straight on.

"No," Artemis says to the two of them. "Stand down, I sense no disrespect."

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