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" momma why are we here ? " hunesti asked he mom as they pulled up to where she use to live in Houston

" because you and yo daddy need to work this shit out " riya said getting out the car

" no ma , i didn't agree to this you said we was coming down here because you had some legal shit to work out with my dad" hunesti said following he mom

now that she thought about that was a dumb lie ..

as they made it to the door savariya knocked on the door twice and about 30 secs later the door opened up

keefy stood there froze , this was the first time in about 3-4 years he had seen her .

the connection between the 2 was deep but he had a family and she wasn't gone mess that up .

" hey fredrick ." she said finally breaking the silence

" wspp , come in " he welcomed them in

hunesti followed behind her momma as she fidgeted with her fingers that was kinda her new thing when she was nervous

" hey essy.." keefy said lightly

" hi " hunesti said as she gave him a closed mouth smile it was very awkward

" alright y'all need to get over this , this is dumb and stupid ." riya spoke

" i know that she put her brother in danger and i know that she lied about it but freddie yo reaction was out of pocket you disowned yo daughter you made her fell unwelcome and that's not okay ." riya said

" yea i know i went a little over board and i'm sorry ." he said looking over at essy

she didn't say anything she just looked ..

" hunesti you gone have to talk to him baby " riya said rubbing her shoulder

" it's okay keefy ." she said not knowing if he was okay with her callin him dad

" soo i heard you been taking therapy ." keefy said making conversation

" yeaa" essy nodded

" so how's that going ?" he asked

" um , at first it was hard for me but i've learned that it's okay to open up and i've learned how to manage with my attacks . " essy opened up a little bit .

their conversation continued for a while .


" so you planing to come back to houston ?" keefy said which made me freeze

" mm " my momma hummed

" are you sure that's a good idea ? , what about my therapy ?" i asked him

" we can get you a better one down here i'll get all your paperwork moved and then we can go from there . " he said there he is with that playing super hero shit

i looked over at my ma

" i'll move back down here if my mom comes with me , i don't want what happened last time to happen to me again ." i said referring to keefy putting me out and making me get up and move with nothing

" it won't happen again but we can make that work if your mom agrees to it ." he said looking at her

she sighed .

" if it'll bring the 2 of you together then sure ." she said smiling

i couldn't tell if she was faking or not .

but i knew that she'd live in br for prolly her whole life getting up and moving would be a great change for her but the past 3 months i've realized that i need my mom .

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