his madness 4

105 2 0

They went home zion grabbed heavens stuff opening the door and they went in

Heaven-"u seen my stuff"

Zion-"its in my hand"

Heaven-"oohh tanks yous"




Zay-"u my favorite"

Zion-"im your only what do u want"

He sat on the counter Heaven laughed

Zay-"I don't feel like cooking"

Zion-"aw to bad u gotta do what u gotta do"

Zay-"but u never cooked for heaven"

Heaven-"ooohh yeeaahhhh I want my Mac and cheese"


Zay-"now why would u-"

Y-"yes my baby boy"

She slid in the kitchen and put her arms around him

Zion-"zay zay wants me to do something I don't want to do"

Y-"now why would u make him do that he don't wanna do it u do it leave him alone"

Heaven-*laughs this is hilarious

Zion smiled trying not to laugh

Zay-"u really just take his side and u don't even know what we talking about"


Zay-"I was saying zion can cook and he can make your Mac and-"

Y-*screams pweeessss

She shook him

Y-"I gotta have my weekly dose"


She quickly let him go

Y-"u otay"


Y-"I shook u to hard"

Zion-"lil bit"

Y-"aww I so sowy"

She hugged him and rubbed her cheek on his

Zion-*whines I don't like it




She let him go and put her arms up

Heaven-"yaayy Mac and cheese"


Zay-"get to cooking"

Zion-"I can poison u I hope u know that"

Y-"can I have a baby first and then u can poison him"

Zay-"i- baby!"

Y-"oh I mean don't do that"

They laughed

Zay-"u just want my-"

Y-"say it properly"

Zay-"...u know what I meant"

Heaven-"yall nasty"

Zion got off the counter and started taking stuff out Heaven went behind him looking at what he was doing he looked at her

Heaven-"imma ghost u can't see me"

Zion-"I see ghost I never told u that"

Heaven-"u suck"

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