Ephemeral Meeting

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"Couples walk in perfect sync because of a mental conditioning from being around each other so much. It only happens when the pair live together."  Seung said as he peeled the condom off his deflating penis. He expected a bit of shit to come away from the the slender ass he had just pulled out of but all that was there was the crimson of blood. He made a face thinking on whether he should say something about it.

"You're kidding." The deep voice of Kyong said as he lay on his front. His thin body shining with the thin layer or sweat that came from baring the brunt of Seung's passion.

"No I'm not. It's a odd form of osmosis between two living entities that inhabit the same space for a period of time. It's certainly something isn't it?" Seung said as he discreetly disposed of the condom in one of his thin dress socks. It would be a small price to pay for the night they were having. If the muscular man were being honest, he hadn't had a night like this in ten years. But he wasn't being honest was he? No he wasn't, if he were he wouldn't be in an expensive hotel room on the beach side of Avalon, Washington.

"So people meet, they don't walk in step, fall in love, not in step, then love each other enough to live together and then in step? That sounds so...odd." Kyong said and looked back at Seung who much to his surprise was looking back at him while lighting a short cigarette.

"My wife tries to prevent that. She purposefully alters her step to not be in step with me." Seung says as he comes to lie beside the man on the top of the sheets. They were looking at each other. Seung very aware he was letting bits of himself show, giving Kyong the chance to leave.

Secretly he hoped he wouldn't.

"How does that make you feel?" Kyong asked and Seung was spell bound by the way the smaller man kissed his shoulder. After the brutal fucking he had just performed on the man. A portion of him wondered if the young man would hate him.

"Like I don't know my wife." Seung said before he could stop himself.

"That's very sad." Kyong said before rising enough to rest his head on his forearms.

"Get married, you'll learn about the objectivity of being obtuse to the actions of your partner." Seung said as he closed his eyes and exhaled. He imagined his beautiful and severe wife, she was as tall as he but where he spent hours a day maintaining his abs and muscle definition she chased after their two children. He opened his eyes as Kyong placed one of those long hands on the round but firm half moon ass cheek closest to him.

It sent a shiver up his body and thoughts of Minoe were forgotten as he took one last drag off the cigarette and snubbed it out in the ashtray he had left on the floor near the bed.

"How old are you Hyung Kyong?" Seung purred as he leaned in and kissed his thin lips. No tongue, he didn't want anything more than to chase the spectral presence of his failing marriage from their bed.

"Not as old as you, and don't call me Hyung," Kyong said and there that coldness was back. When he had seen the young man at the bookstore hours before the man looked like a walking ice statue. That had been what had attracted him to Kyong. His desire to make the man smile.

"How old do you think I am?" Seung asked curiously.

"40." Kyong said, his sharp brown eyes watching the look of embarrassment cross Seung's face.

"You cheeky little shit. I'm not that old." Seung said frowning but making sure to chuckle so the boy wouldn't think he was mad. Did he really care how the boy took his emotions? Hadn't he been the one to tease first?

"Hyung, how old are you?" Kyong asked while looking at the spot against the wall his clothes sat neatly folded against. Seung followed his line of sight. Warning bells ringing inside his head. The younger man was thinking of leaving!

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