The Fearsome Bodyguard

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There she was.

The girl infamous for being small and fragile for her size and appearance, walking through the hallway of her school with her cell phone in her hands.

She was heading to another room in the school although school was done. The reason for that was because she had a committee.

The library committee where the small girl would look after the library while scanning in and out books that students would want to take or return.

The small girl was on her way when a group of boys who were much taller than her gets in her way.

"I'm telling you, man! Don't bully Shizuka!" One of them said as a boy with black hair sighed frustratingly. "Why are you guys so scared over a small girl?"

"Because it's wrong! And you're gonna get in trouble again, Mikio!"

"Since when are you two suddenly such goody two shoes?" The boy named Mikio frowned at his acquaintances while the girl who was introduced as Shizuka watched on in fear.

Because she knew what was coming next, it was a reoccurring event almost every week with some boys that teased the small girl.

She didn't like it one bit, even if some were just trying to have fun. But most of the time,


It wasn't as Mikio snatched the phone from Shizuka's hands and held it high. The small girl tries to jump for it but was way too small to get it.

"G-G... Give... it b-b-back..." she whimpered softly.

Mikio only laughed loudly, turning to his peers with an evil smirk.

"See? She's so easy to pick-"



In only a second, Mikio was hit with an unidentified object onto his head and the phone had slipped through his fingers.

"Go-LLY!" He shouts before caressing the top of his head softly. "Who the-"

"What do you think you're doing to Shizuka?"

Mikio's heart dropped.

The sound of a voice, feared by many who either dared opposed him or do something that was wrong in his eyes.

And if he was right, he was going to get his ass whooped.

Please don't let it be him... Please don't let it be him... Please...

He turns slowly and his luck had run dry.

The last person he wanted to see, a h/c who held a kendo stick in one hand and Shizuka's phone in the other, a frown was on his face as he glared deep into Mikio's soul.


"Shit is right..." the boy snarled angrily. "So tell me what you were doing to Shizuka?"

"N-Nothing! I-"

"He was bullying Shizuka!" Both of Mikio's peers said in unison as the bully himself turned to them with a glare.

"You rats!"

"Thank you, you two..." Y/n thanked Mikio's acquaintances as he motions his head to the side. "Go on..." he commanded, leaving them speechless

"...Y-You'll spare us?"

"You guys did nothing wrong from where I stood... Unless you'd like a beating as well?"

They did not hesitate to run down the hall as Mikio tries to sneak away slowly.

He was soon stopped by the same kendo stick that Y/n held as his face grew pale.

Shizuka Yoshimoto x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now