Chapter 3

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( 1st person)

I keep sprinting inside of the forest as far as my little legs could carry me, trying my best to not lose Reuben out of sight, which became even more complicated when the sun was slowly going down, making it harder to see where he was going, especially under the trees.

And then, I tripped on a rock that I couldn't dodge and harshly fell to the ground, smashing my face into the grass.
It hurt, but not as much as getting your leg stomped or your head punched.

I get up, only to realize that Reuben was nowhere to be found, not even his oinks were heard anymore! At this point it would be impossible to track him down.
What if something or someone finds him first? That's literally way worse than losing a competition!

So I kept on walking to the only path that was visible, getting worried by the second.
I usually don't mind walking at night, but when your pig friend is lost in the middle of it, that's where you start to get nervous.
I hear the faint oinks of multiple pigs and even rustling, along with the sound of a fire turning off.

Maybe he managed to take it off? I really hope so.
I then realized that the hood and the eye patch were the two things that didn't let me see or hear well, so I took the darn thing off of my face and lowered down the hoodie of my coat.
The wind struck forward into my face, feeling the fresh air running through my cheeks.

I could finally hear where the multiple sounds came from, so I immediately ran into the direction my ears were catching the noises from, and to where my instincts where guiding me.
Without realizing, I was constantly teleporting further into the origin, running and jumping, teleporting closer and closer to the destination.

Finally, it all came to stop once I found an empty black costume laying on the ground, there was black smoke coming off from the inside and luckily Reuben wasn't there, not even a pork chop so it meant he actually took it off before anything worse could've happened.
But now the real question is, where is he then? He is not dead, but I don't know if he is safe either.
I then begun to run in different paths to see if I could find anything that could help, but I only got a few other wild pigs and more dead ends that I could ever imagine.

It felt like a labyrinth, so I took the decision to see if I could randomly teleport using my intuition.
You see, something I learned is that, as long as that thing or person is at my range, I could teleport just right next to it, or somewhere close enough to find them.

If I do this right - and Reuben is near - I can do this with no issues at all, so we can go to whatever place is safer than the middle of the forest on the moonlight with hundreds of not-pig-friendly monsters.
I look at the moon for a few seconds, and then, I blink.

The ambience of the space filled my ears, the pocket dimension I was into was trying to understand what I was doing, and finally, I hear the sounds of the forest again, only to be met with a sight.

Eye Of The Ender (Child! Ender! Reader x MCSM)Where stories live. Discover now