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I hung up the phone and looked over at Kim who was looking at me keenly.

"It was Kinn, calling to check on you. I told him you are here. He be home late. He asked you to stay over."

Kim nodded in response.

"Sleep here. I will be in the guest bedroom."

Kim held onto my wrist as I wanted to walk away. He looked at me, with a glittery eye, scowling almost. I shook off his hand.

"You are my cousin. I should have known better. Stay here. Sleep."

With that, I walked away, slamming the door in the process. I was pissed. Pissed that I almost did a guy who I am supposed to dislike but found myself attracted to. Pissed that I eventually didn't do anything out of respect for his brother whom I also supposedly hate. I was getting soft for the Theerapanyakun brothers. Being soft wasn't a good thing in my world. It meant vulnerability and emotions, two things I promised myself I would not let myself be accustomed to, having grown up with my father.

The next morning, I went back to my room and it was empty. In fact, it looked like it had been untouched. I sighed. I knew that Kim had left in the wee hours after not sleeping at all. I was privy to that information as I had seen the cctv cameras.

I showered, got changed and went to the Main Manor. I had some business meetings with Kinn and our investors so I was parked in the Manor today. As I walked into the house, I saw Kim coming out. He just cast me a glance briefly but didn't say a word. He just nodded and went on his way out. I didn't say anything and just clenched my hands.

Well he was cordial. Polite. Cold. Impassive. Everything I needed him to be and yet I didn't want him to be. Fuck. The morning saw me busy with meetings, frustrating Kinn, flirting with Porsche harmlessly and annoying Kinn even more. In fact, Kim came back when I was trying to flirt with Porsche. He saw the exchange and I saw his hands. He just gripped his fists tightly but didn't say anything. He narrowed his eyes but kept quiet. Kinn invited him to join us and that's when I found out why Kim was back in town.

"Kim is back for good as everyone knows. But he's back because he will be joining the family business. He will be in charge of the Thonkut District and its deals."

"Why are we involving him in the family business?"

"Because I am a Theerapanyakun. And this is our family business."

"It's dangerous. You have a fucking Master's. Do something with it. Just stay out of this line."

"Well for once, you and I are on the same page Vegas. But he is insistent and Father agrees so he's on-board officially."

I just stared at Kim. I didn't like the idea of him joining us. It was a dangerous world. I knew he could hold his own ground but still...

I kept quiet and just nodded, the rest of the meeting just washing over me. Post the meeting, we all broke up for lunch but Kinn declined saying he had lunch plans with Porsche, grabbed him and left. That left me and Kim. We were in the dining hall, just eating quietly.

"What was that about?"


"Why are you joining us? You know how dangerous it is. Its also why Kinn kept you away."

"Well I have to be there for my brother."

"I am there, aren't I?"

"Then I'm there for you. Who's there for you?"

I looked up at Kim in surprise. He just kept his utensils away and stood up, declaring he was done. I looked at his half full bowl. He was about to walk away when I grabbed his wrist.

"Sit and eat."

"I'm not hungry anymore."

"Sit and eat Kim. Damn it, don't make me repeat myself!"

I raised my voice in frustration. Big and Ken were there, watching this exchange silently but raising their eyebrows in shock when I did that. They were even more stunned when Kim sat down quietly and started eating again.

I looked up to see both fellows staring at us in shock. Like when did Kim start listening to me? Or when did I start caring about him?

Trust me, I was as confused as they were. Knowing Kim was joining us, unnerved me. I needed to make sure he was safe at all times. No matter what.

Cu + Ag (VegasxKim) [Completed]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon