Chapter 33 ~ Unknown

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Jordan : Is that her purse

Madam : Yes

* As they walk a little further they saw Fatima at the sink washing her hands unfazed like nothing happen  with a dead body next to her

Madam : Wtf T .....laughing

Fatima : Hey M , you good

Madam : So you just gone say hey with a body lying next too you like nothing happen huh

Fatima : Oh him we just had a little miss communication

Jordan : I'll get the clean up crew ....he step out to make the call

* Madan was now scanning Fatima's body language trying to figure out why she's so calm an unfazed like nothing happen all she came up with was that she was still in shocked an probably processing it

Madam : Hey T you sure your okay

Fatima : I'm fine ,i gotta get back in court

Madam : " Wtf " TIMA look at me

Fatima : What ?

Madam : Are you aware of what's happening around you

Fatima : Yes i came downstairs to get some lunch an this motherfucker was following me  so I came to the bathroom where i know there wouldn't be any witnesses an i kill his ass

Madam : Still unsure ....ummmm okay

Fatima : I gotta call zac

Madam : About that

Fatima : M

Madam : Ummm he's missing

Fatima : What the fuck you mean missing ?

Madam : He called me about the case your working on ,then i try to call you but got no answer so i told him to meet me here but we lost contact his phone not going through

Fatima : I gotta go

Madam : T wait your not okay

Fatima : I'm fine M i gotta go find zac

Madam : A guy ran out of here in a hoodie ...who was he?

Fatima : I don't know i think its a woman i didn't see their face after i came in here and this nigga follow me ,he try to inject me with that substance ( pointing to the syringe on the ground ) And i manage to fight him off but then he pulled out a knife we fight an i got cut on my belly ,but i mange to stab him with the knife ...the person in the hoodie try to help me but ran out after realizing he was dead .....that same person bump into me a few minutes earlier and told me to drop the case cause my family and i are in danger

Madam ; So he was sent to kidnapped you not kill you ..........wait you said he cut you on your belly

Fatima : Y.......passed out

Madam : What the fuck Tima....Raising up her top

* Fatima had a cut on her belly leading up to her side that was bleeding forcefully but she put toilet paper to stop the bleeding and since she had on a black top you couldn't tell she was bleeding

Madam : Jordan

Jordan : Hey Madam

Madam : Get her to car now

* Jordan  picked fatima up bridal style with madam running behind them since he was wearing white his clothes was now red ...he got in the back holding T trying to stop the bleeding while madam drive

| Back at the scene with zac |

Paramedic : What's your name ?

Zac : My head hurts

Paramedic : Sir you was in an accident do you remember anything

Zac : Yes i need to call my wife

Paramedic : What's your name ?

Zac : Zachary Taylor

Paramedic : Okay Mr Taylor you got a concussion and a few bruises  so we need to take you to the hospital

Zac : Can i call my wife please

Paramedic : You will once we are there

Zac : I , I ,I ......he pass out

* The paramedic was working on zac cause he passed out from the concussion..... until she felt the ambulance stop

Jada : What's going on gabby

Gabby : Silent

Jada : Gabby

Unknown : Get out

Jada : Scared okay

Unknown : Take him

Jada : He's not stable , you can't take him

Unknown : Shot her in the head

Gabby : Screaming " shaking "

Unknown : Can you fix him

Gabby : Yes but he needs a doctor or he will died

Unkown : Then you better make sure he doesn't

* Back at the hospital

Madam call ghost ,Cane an tasha while she was  driving so they was now arriving

Ghost : Whats going on

*Madam fill them in

Cane : What the fuck was she thinking does she not know who DINGO is?

Ghost : Did you know she was working the Powell case ?

Tasha : She said she was working a big case but she never mentioned a name

Cane : So my son is missing ?

Ghost : Zac is missing ?

Madam : Yes i lost contact with him , while he was coming to meet me at the court house

* As the family was talking the heard the doctors and nurse's talking about an ambulance being highjacked while escorting an accident victim

Madam : Excuse me ,did you say an ambulance got highjack with an accident victim

Nurse : Yeah they was transporting a patient when they got highjack , the patient and one paramedic is missing and one was shot dead

Ghost : Do you know the name of the patient

Nurse : " checking her files " Zachary Taylor

* All silent

Nurse : Am sorry do you know him

Cane : He's my son !!

Ring Ring .......

Cane : Its an unknown number

Ghost : That must be them

Cane : Who the fuck is this ?

Unknown : Is that anyway to talk to the person who has your son

Cane : What the fuck you want ?

Unknown : Fatima Wilson for your son ,  you got two hours or he dies .....they hand up

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