About That Life (Interracial Urban Romance)

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy


When Harmony got pregnant at sixteen her father kicked her out with no place to go. Her baby's father got shot because he was running the streets and she ended up falling for his best friend. Now Harmony is twenty and going to community college to make a better life for her and her daughter while her boyfriend Wesley (Wes) still runs the streets like her ex did. Harmony and Wes are now fighting constantly and having issues and when Wes's cousin comes to town and moves in with them things only get more complicated.

(This story is told from both Harmony and Wesley's points of view. Also there will be some slang used through out this story so some words may seem misspelled or misplaced for this reason.)

[Note: This story was originally finished on Aug 13, 2013]

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