Harumi Wolford info

777 14 0

Name: harumi Wolford


Heights:5'1 ft

Family:shin Wolford (twin brother)Merlin Wolford (Grandfather) Melinda ( grandmother)
Thesis von Earlshide (uncle/father in law)August von Earlshide (soulmate/fiance) Oliver stromes( biological father)

Likes: strawberry shortcake, training,reading, chanting, enchantment, her pets ant beast, her family and August, likes to make friends, magic

Hates or dislikes: bullies, Kurt cocky attitude, seing someone hurt, arrogant people, judgy people, lazy

Personality: kind, super smart, caring, forgiving ,loving, badass, scary merceless (when someone annoys her to the core or if someone hurt her family), observant ,caution oblivious (not at all but she likes to act sometimes)

Hobby: playing all different types of instruments, reading, and singing

(Her weapons)



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