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hiii am jelly/jellywurm!!!

doing silly request stuff

i do kinks n stuff
the artwork can have zex toyz!!
no weird kinks btw.. (fart, piss, etc) i dont like it .
im fine with feet fetish i guess...? Idk
you can ask for additional thingz like pawz!!!

I dont do humanized.

you will either get a fully colored drawing or a sketch depending if im motivated or not

NO proship shit or comship
If u actually enjoy that, get mental help please
no incest
no pedophilia
all that bad shit
fuck u if u like lairy bcuz hell to the no 🥰

I do mostly any object show.

im not the best artist but ill still try!!!
if u have any questionz, lmk ok???

u can requezt now :)

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