002. The Weirdo On Maple Street

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November 1983

Jolting awake from troubling sleep, night terrors of Will plague her mind, he's calling for help he's running, he needs someone
Torturous images flashing through her mind whose going missing next? Who needs her help
Jonathan, Nancy, Barb even those little boys that Will is friends with everyone she loves and cares for being handpicked away from her
Steve's frightened features burn harshly in her head not being able to forget the screams for help from everyone calling out for her
Why couldn't she help them?
Catherine is trying to keep up a calm composure whilst shuffling around their home, ready to go to school the last place she ideally wants to be right now but she needs to see everyone is fine, this torment weighing heavily on her shoulders it all just felt so real, to real

"Cathy you shouldn't of spoken to dad like that yesterday"  Steve made a comment towards her whilst normally she could leave the jab at bay, she couldn't
"You know if he's in a bad mood he's in a bad mood with everyone"

"Well I'm sorry to burst the joyous bubble that we always seem to miss at dinner but he had no right to say any of that"  Catherine begins her voice not steady
"A young boy is missing Steve, this isn't some joke"

"That's not what I'm saying Cathy, but there's nothing we can do it's not our problem right now" she can hear Steves tone is gentle with her much like her older brother use to be before high school
"It should be left to the professionals"

"Well I can't just sit here and do nothing, neither can Jonathan you do understand that right?"  Catherine pushes back she can feel herself getting more emotional as Steve continues to speak to her
"He's a little boy, a lost little boy Steve"

"He's not even your brother so you should just drop it Cathy, you'll only drive yourself insane with this obsession"  she doesn't know if Steve is trying to make her snap or make her emotional but she can't hold it in

"Do you hear yourself right now? It's because I love that little boy like my family Steve, you know that's what siblings are suppose to do for each other right?"  Cheeks tinted red with frustration she continues on
"I mean what if I was to go missing you wouldn't care, you wouldn't obsess over it until I'm found?"

"Don't be dramatic Catherine, I'm just say-"

"Well don't just say I honestly can't believe you right now"  Catherine feels her tears run down her cheeks no longer being able to hold them in but she doesn't notice Steve's eyes softening slightly his guard of 'king Steve' persona dropping, he never meant to make her cry, he's just trying to be realistic right now whether Cathy remembers or not the two siblings were best friends with nothing coming between them he knows his sister she'll obsess over something and he's not going to sit and watch it end badly for her

"I forget you're just an asshole Steve, you know just like someone else in this family"  with a final blow she leaves the house hearing Jonathan pull up

"Hey, are you ok Cathy?  Jonathan notices the silent tears running down her face
"Has something happened"

"You have impeccable timing Mr Byers"  Catherine giggles, brushing away the stray tears that she's struggling to hold in


"I'm fine Jonny, it's just Steve being an asshole as usual, you know how it is"

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