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The following story is inspired by the 2007 movie of the same name; it's non-canon. It contains strong language.

Jennifer Dickson-Bruce, a successful Scottish top model and actress, has been kidnapped by a crazed fan while walking an obscure Toronto alley. She was going to her Yonge street hotel where she booked her room and the day after, she was supposed to participate at Fan Expo Canada in Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

After being chloroformed, she's been brought by her assailant to a secret underground hideout to be tortured psychologically. Her captor is an average-built individual fully dressed in black, wearing a marine blue ski mask with dark sunglasses. The most bizarre is that he seems to talk with a robotic voice; probably with the help of a voice modifier.

Since her capture, she's been locked in a well-lit room equipped with a bed, a bathroom (shower included) and a chest drawer full of clean clothes. Her tormentor feeds her periodically but she restrains herself for not throwing the plain-tasting food in his face; otherwise he could hit her or worse...

However, after 3 days of isolation, the tide has turned in favor of the beautiful and young blonde, blue-eyed woman: she has managed to escape her cell via a small air duct. Jennifer unscrewed the wall grid with a quarter she found lying on the concrete floor; she's ready to make her captor pay.

With her frail body, she easily fits through the dusty and narrow corridor and she starts crawling. She sees a strong light coming down a junction and decides to crawl towards it.

She peeks through the ceiling's grid and sees what she wanted to: the nerdy-looking man is unmasked and is talking hands-free on his cell phone with a thick Southern accent. "Don' worry Jeb; she's fine an' dandy." says the captor. "She better be Billy Joe Bob, or it's your ass who's gonna fry." replies the other man with a similar accent.

"So, you're a bunch of fucking Redneck perverts." mutters angrily Jennifer as Billy Joe Bob exits the room. "What the fuck they're doing in Canada ? They're thousands of miles away from Hickstown; maybe they're human traffickers..."

The blonde woman unscrews the ceiling grid with her quarter and slips through. She lands on the floor but her clothes are dirty. "I hope that idiot has clean clothes as well." thinks Jennifer while checking the chest drawers and the wardrobe. The red-painted room is fully equipped and has... various posters of her. The escapee shivers while seeing this; she quickly found a blue shirt and a pair of jeans (both too big for her) but no suitable shoes.

However, in the wardrobe she found very interesting items: a Remington 870 shotgun with a box of cartridges. She takes both and empties the munitions box in her shirt's pockets. "Ok, you fuckety-fucktard, you wanna play ? Then, I'll show you what I'm able to do." grins the cute woman while loading her newfound weapon.

She goes out of the room and walks slowly on the tips of her red-painted toes in the corridor. She hears noises coming from a nearby room and investigates: it seems like a kitchen and the creep is eating a bowl of Captain Crunch cereals.

Jennifer cocks her gun and enters the underground kitchen. "Ok 'Cotton Eye Joe' raise your fucking hands in the air !" shouts with her Glaswegian accent Jennifer. As she sees her surprised captor, she orders him to rise. "Walk until I tell your retarded brain to stop." hisses the lady as Billy starts to weep. They walk in the gray corridor until they reach a dead end. "All right, back to the wall." grunts Jennifer.

"Please don' do this Jen; I love you." cries Billy while sliding down to the ground. He's shaking like a leaf and puts his arms towards her former prey, begging her to stop. "Love me ? I don't know you from Adam you sick pervert." replies Jennifer while firing at the ground.

The impact creates a hole between Billy's spread legs: the 25 years old guy shouts in panic and Jennifer fires again. "Gawd stop please no !" sobs heavily the guy as 2 big holes appears on the wall near him. Jennifer approaches Billy and kicks him in the face; her right big toe enters the Redneck's left nostril. "You love me eh ? I'll give you my love of ugly, pathetic guys like you !" shouts the woman as she sticks her toe further upwards. "STAP PLEESE ! YOU DROKING MAH DOSE !" shouts in tears Billy as Jennifer removes her toe from his bleeding nose. Then, she flips her shotgun and hit Billy Joe Bob's forehead with her weapon's butt. He loses conscience and Jennifer steals his shoes and his keys; he has probably his car outside. She'll drive to her hotel room and she'll promptly call the cops to report the assailant.

The end

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