Chapter 12- Sean's Siblings

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{Sean's POV}
We had pulled up at Jake's house a half hour ago. I had called my sibling to come pick me up at 8:30 PM. I was sitting with Jake's family in the living room watching the best musical that I know, Hamilton, and hearing Jake and some of his siblings sing the songs.

It is now 7:36 PM. I'm upstairs in Jake's bedroom and watching She ra and the Princesses of Power. I asked him if we could watch it since I couldn't watch it myself at home in my room. He was pretty happy to watch it with me too, which I found surprising, but I'm not complaining. At times we would freak out over the dumb things, but Jake more so. It was actually pretty cute to see him hyper fixated on this.

"Sorry that I'm hyper fixated on these things, I didn't take my meds." Jake's said while breathing a little bit harsher.

I just giggled. "It's alright, it's actually pretty cute." I already regretted that statement the second it left my mouth.

"Oh, th- thanks!" He stumbled out. I can't tell if he was embarrassed, nervous, or weirded out.

"JAKE! SEAN'S SIBLINGS ARE HERE!" Aurora yelled upstairs to us.

We both got up and collected my stuff from the room and headed downstairs. We heard my siblings talking to Jake's family. I knew all three of my siblings were there by how quiet everything was and also by a certain question.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did that happen?" I recognized the voice that belonged to Sophia, Aurora's girlfriend, and I knew she was talking to my oldest sister.

{Jake's POV}
I heard my family talking with Sean's siblings downstairs.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did that happen?" I heard Sophia ask.

"I got into a terrible fight, and now I have to eat through a tube." I heard the voice of someone that I didn't know, it must've been Sean's second sister.

We both walked into the kitchen where our families were and I saw that Sean's other sister was in a wheelchair. "Everyone, these are all three of my sibling Mitzi, Ryan, and Moriah."

"Mitzi, that a cool name." We all said that it was nice to meet them all and I looked over at Sean's oldest sister Mitzi. "Mitzi, that's a cool name."

"Thank you, Jake was it?" Mitzi said while while shaking my hand very lightly.

I nodded my head. "Yep, that's me." I smiled at her as innocently as I could.

"It's nice to meet you." Mitzi said while smiling back at me. Her voice was similar to Daisy's voice, but it was softer.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said. Sean seemed to relax after.

"Does anyone want cookies?" My stepmom said while holding out a tray of freshly baked cookies.

Sean's two older sibling, not Mitzi, asked if they could. "Can we have some?"

My stepmom just smiled. "Of course you can, what about you Mitzi?"

Mitzi just looked up at her with a smile too. "I'm sorry, but I can't eat food normally."

We all paused a bit confused, but it was my father who broke the silence. "Could you expand on that any further? You don't have to."

"The fight I got in makes it so that I have to eat from a tube connected to my stomach." She seemed so calm explaining it and everyone in my family didn't ask any further and kept eating.

My stepmom smiled at her again. "Do you know anyway that you could eat them, if you want to of course?"

"I'd rather not eat them at all, but thank you for the consideration." Mitzi said softly.

"Okay, let me know if you all need anything." My stepmom said while walking away to her and my dad's room.

Sean just let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you all for not treating this like a silent topic and making this awkward."

His siblings nodded in responses. "Yeah."

I responded. "Well, it's not that hard to do so."

They all looked at me like I was crazy. "Maybe not for you." Mitzi says while smiling.

"Yeah, but it the same with me, but for a different reason." Ryan said while taking a bite of his cookie.

"What do you mean?" Kristian asked while drinking coffee.

"Well, I'm a trans man and people either hush up or insult me." Ryan said while taking another bite.

I was trying to contain myself, but I just couldn't. "Finally, another Trans man." I then took a bite of my cookie. All of my family was smiling, but everyone in Sean's family was shocked.

"Wait, you're trans too?" Ryan asked while looking me up and down.

"Yeah, but I'm very cis passing." I answered smiling.

Sean answered first. "Yeah, I honestly thought that you were cis." He also looked me up and down, but it made me shiver for some reason.

Ryan just smiled. "Finally, someone else who's female to male." Ryan says while walking over and giving me a high five.

{20 minutes later} {Mitzi's POV}
We were all in Ryan's car and driving home. We all didn't want to because our parents would be arguing again, but I noticed Sean fiddling with this fingers in the seat next to me. I could tell that something was going on with him, but I couldn't tell what it was so I figured that I could ask.

"Sean, what's bothering you?" I asked causing him to look at me with a worried expression and causing Moriah to turn around and look at him too.

Sean then looked at the car floor ahead of himself. "You all know that I'm a biromantic asexual right?"

Moriah answered. "Yeah, and we're okay with it too."

Ryan then answered. "Why are you asking?"

"So..." Sean started to tear up. "I... I think that I like Jake."

We all said the same thing out loud. "WHAT?!"

Sean flinched and started full on crying. "I-... I like Jake."

I used my left hand to rub his shoulder. "Sorry Sean, it okay if you like him." I knew it was probably not fully helping him, but it was slightly working. "We were just shocked when you said that out of nowhere."

"Yeah, we're okay with you liking him, we were just caught off guard." Moriah said while lightly touching Sean's knee since she was a seat ahead of me.

"Yeah, we don't care who you like as long as they treat you well, and by what I've seen, Jake will definitely do that." Ryan said while focusing on the road.

Sean smiled with tears streaming down his face. "Thanks, but don't tell mom and dad." Our parents are both homophobic and transphobic so they'd flip their shit about this.

"We won't." We all said in unison while smiling.

{Sophia's POV}
I was walking to me and Aurora's bedroom, but I noticed Jake laying down on his bed in pure questioning. I knocked on his door frame and he looked at me and sat up.

"Is everything okay Jake?" I asked while leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, but I think I like someone." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

I gasped, went into the room, closed the door, and walked over to him. "Who do you think you like?"

He looked up at me nervously. "S-Sean."

That's all for now and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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